• POKÉMON UNITE Asia Champions League 2025 FINALSが3月29日と30日に新宿で開催される。
  • 初めて日本で開催される大会で、プロのトップチームが激しいバトルを繰り広げる。
  • 入場は無料で、会場では記念バッジが配布される。
  • イベントは午前9時から開始で、会場の新宿の三角広場の住友ビルで行われる。
  • 安全のため、公式LINEアカウントでの事前登録が必要。

Pokémon UNITE Asia Champions League 2025 FINALS will be held on March 29th and 30th in Shinjuku!

Pokémon UNITE Asia Champions League 2025 FINALS will be held on March 29th and 30th in Shinjuku!For the first time ever in Japan! PUACL2025 FINALS offline tournament will be held on March 29th and 30th at the Sumitomo Building Triangle Plaza in Shinjuku! Don’t miss the fierce battle between the top professional teams from various countries, all vying for the top spot in Asia, at the venue in Shinjuku! Entry to the PUACL2025 FINALS venue is free. Additionally, commemorative badges will be given to attendees at the venue! The PUACL2025 FINALS will start at 9:00 AM on both March 29th (Saturday) and March 30th (Sunday). Doors open at 8:30 AM. Entry and viewing at the Sumitomo Building Triangle Plaza in Shinjuku are free. For the safety of our guests, prior registration on the official LINE account of PUACL2025 FINALS is required for entry and obtaining an entry ticket on the day of the event (no limit on the number of tickets to be issued). Additionally, participation in the tournament and the lucky draw event, held simultaneously at the venue, requires separate registration or a ticket from the official LINE account at the venue.   To ensure smooth entry on the day of the event, please follow the steps below to apply for your admission ticket. Step 1: Add the official LINE account of ‘PUACL2025 FINALS’ as a friend Before attending the event, please scan the QR code in the image above with the LINE app and add the official LINE account as a friend. The official LINE account will provide the latest event information leading up to the tournament. Step 2: After arriving near the venue in Shinjuku on the day of the event, please apply for your entry ticket. •    To apply for the ticket, you must have your location services turned ON in the LINE app. If it is set to OFF, please enable it when operating the official LINE account. Step 3: Show the QR code of your admission ticket at reception. •    In case of small children or individuals without a smartphone who are unable to obtain a ticket, they can enter together with the accompanying person who has applied for the ticket. At the entrance reception, as a special gift for attendees, the first 5,000 visitors each day will receive an original tournament commemorative badge! We will be preparing two different designs of badges: Day 1 badge based on the tournament logo and Day 2 badge inspired by the tournament’s key visual. We look forward to welcoming everyone to the event! * The special gift is limited to one per person. At the PUACL2025 FINALS venue, there will be plenty of side events, including a lucky draw and greeting sessions! At the PUACL2025 FINALS tournament venue, Sumitomo Building Triangle Plaza in Shinjuku, we have a variety of exciting side events prepared for everyone to enjoy on both event days, March 29th and 30th. Scheduled Side Events     1. 100 winners every day! A grand lucky draw where you can win Pokémon UNITE merchandise such as tournament uniforms and puzzles! 2. Greeting sessions with Pikachu, Snorlax, and Mimikyu, who also make appearances in Pokémon UNITE! 3. A meet and greet with players from the pro teams participating in the PUACL2025 FINALS! 4. Form a team at the venue and aim for victory at the Pokémon UNITE TAISENKAI – “Shinjuku no Jin” 5. Learn winning strategies from pro players at the Pokémon UNITE Tryout Event.   Details of each side event will also be announced sequentially on the official Pokémon UNITE X account. Create wonderful memories at the venue with Pokémon, your family, and friends! * Participation in each side event may require prior registration or on-site check-in at the venue on the day of the event. * Some events may be subject to change without prior notice. 100 lucky winners every day! A grand lucky draw where you can win Pokémon UNITE merchandise such as tournament uniforms and puzzles! To participate in the lucky draw, you must obtain both an entry ticket and a lucky draw ticket through the PUACL2025 official LINE account. Entry tickets can be issued near the venue on the day of the event. Lucky draw tickets can be issued via LINE inside the venue, starting 30 minutes before the draw begins, once you’ve completed the check-in process.   Event Schedule DAY 1 – March 29th (Saturday)  Lucky draw ticket registration time (tentative): 16:30 – 17:00 Lucky draw start time (tentative): 17:00 DAY 2 – March 30th (Sunday)  Lucky draw ticket registration time (tentative): 17:30 – 18:00 Lucky draw start time (tentative): 18:00 * The schedule may change depending on the progress of the matches. Updates will be announced at the venue or through the official PUACL2025 LINE account.   Winner Announcement The winning numbers will be announced after the lucky draw is conducted on the day of the event, via the official PUACL2025 LINE account.   Prizes for Each Day ・WCS Uniform x1 – 3 lucky winners ・3rd Anniversary Original Puzzle x1 – 10 lucky winners ・Key Visual Poster x1 – 20 lucky winners  * One of 5 designs will be given randomly. ・Pikachu Keychain x1 – 30 lucky winners * One of 2 designs will be given randomly. ・Unite License Keychain x1 – 50 lucky winners * One of 4 designs will be given randomly.   Prize Collection To collect your prize, you will need to present your lucky draw ticket at the prize exchange counter inside the venue. Prizes can be collected until 30 minutes after the final match of the day. * Prizes cannot be collected after the specified time, so please make sure to collect your prize if you are one of the lucky winners. Venue Access Venue: Sumitomo Building Triangle Plaza, 2-6-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo. For access to the venue, please refer to the official website of Sumitomo Building Triangle Plaza. https://www.sumitomo-sankakuhiroba.jp/access/ 16 Teams Participating in PUACL2025 FINALS ・Top 4 Teams from the PUACL2025 Japan League: FENNEL and 3 other teams (decided through the playoffs held on February 21) ・Top 4 Teams from the PUACL2025 Southeast Asia League: Alter Ego (Indonesia), Buriram United eSports (Thailand), Paper Rex (Singapore), Miraen Sejong (South Korea) ・PUACL2025 India League Champion Team: Godlike Esports (India) ・LAIC2024 (Latin America International Championship) Champion Team: Luminosity Gaming (Canada) ・Winter Tournament Regional Champion Teams: 1 team each from Japan, APAC EAST, APAC WEST, and India ・Top 2 Teams from the 2024 Shenzhen Masters (China): Liten Dream Factory, Utopia The tournament will be live-streamed on the official Pokémon UNITE YouTube and Twitch channels, and public viewings are also planned to be held at multiple venues across the country. Pokémon UNITE official Youtube channel PUACL2025 official Twitch channel For those who are unable to attend the event at the Shinjuku venue, be sure to enjoy the FINALS through the live stream!



「Pokémon UNITE」最新情報はこちら Pokémon UNITEの動画をもっと見る
サービス開始日 2021年9月22日
何年目? 1277日(3年6ヶ月)
周年いつ? 次回:2025年9月22日(4周年)
アニバーサリーまで あと184日
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 2025年3月22日(3.5周年)
運営 The Pokemon Company
Pokémon UNITE情報
Pokémon UNITEについて何でもお気軽にコメントしてください(匿名)

『ポケモンユナイト』は、5対5で競うチーム戦略バトルゲームだ!制限時間内に、より多くのスコアを獲得したチームの勝ち。仲間と協力して、勝利をつかめ! 舞台は幻の島、エオス島。 プレイヤーはポケモントレーナーとなって、エオス島で行われる「ユナイトバトル」に参加する。 ユナイトバトルはポケモンのチーム戦だ。5人のトレーナーと5匹のポケモンでチームを作り、相手のチームと戦うぞ。 ユナイトバトルの勝敗を分けるのはチームワークだ。 全員で攻め込んだり、孤立した仲間のピンチに駆けつけたり、傷ついた仲間を助けたり。協力して勝利を目指そう! Nintendo Switch版のプレイヤーとも、クロスプラットフォームでプレイ可能! 世界中のトレーナーたちとユナイトバトルに挑め! ------------------------------------------------------------ 公式サイト:https://www.pokemonunite.jp/ja/ 公式X(旧Twitter):https://twitter.com/poke_unite_jp 利用規約:https://www.apppokemon.com/pokemon-unite/kiyaku/kiyaku003/rule/detail/#anchor_ja
勝ったら楽しい、負けたら10分時間を無駄にした喪失感を味わうことの繰り返しであるのがこのゲーム。 ソロでやったらlolなんで仲間運(編成や個々の実力)にだいぶ左右される。 だから勝率めちゃくちゃ高い時と低すぎる時があり、負けに耐性がない方はずっと負け込むことも少なからず起きて、時間を無駄にすることが多いのでやらない方がいい。 2、3回のバトルで満足する人、楽しむことができる人ならやってもいいと思う。 (★3)(25/3/2)
半年ぶりにインストールして遊ぼうとしたところ、ユナイトバトルを押すとフェアプレイポイントが足りないと説明が出て先に進めないためカジュアルバトルとランクバトル双方プレイできない。カジュアルバトルをプレイしないとフェアプレイポイントは増えないため実質積んでしまっている状況なのでどうにかしてほしい (★4)(25/3/2)
戦犯的な動きをする人もいますが上手い人もいるとゆう初心者と上級者の差を感じます それがまた面白いしポケモンとゆう見てて可愛さもあると思います たまに運営どうのこうのとか早く修正しろとか人間なんだしそれが調整です。 嫌だったらやめてもらいたい (★5)(25/3/1)
本当に面白くていつも楽しく遊ばせていただいてるんだけどこれ以上プレイヤーをブロック出来なくなった。 自分で解除したりするのは面倒なのでブロック上限を増やすか一定期間ログインしてないアカウントのブロックを自動解除するようにしてほしいです。 (★5)(25/3/1)
私はこのゲームを2000試合勝率58%程度までプレーしているのですがこのゲームはマクロと呼ばれる試合への理解度が勝率を大きく変えるゲーム(キャラのコンボなどのよりも大切)なのでぜひ基本知識を調べた上でプレーしてほしいゲームです。おそらくこのゲームにアンチをつけてる方はもう一度知識を持ってプレーして欲しいです (★5)(25/2/28)
こんなに続いたゲーム初めて!サクッとできるし、どんなゲームもしちょっとしたら課金無課金で圧倒的に差がつきますが、このゲームは今のところないです♩(最初からやってます♡) ちょこちょこ動くポケモンかわいいよそして楽しいみんなやろー(˙˘˙*) (★5)(25/2/27)

One thought on “ポケモンユナイト:アジアチャンピオンズリーグ2025ファイナルが新宿で開催決定!”

  1. ポケモンUNITEアジアチャンピオンズリーグ2025の決勝戦が新宿で開催されるんだ!会場に行くと記念バッジもらえるし、プロチーム同士の熱いバトルが見られるなんて楽しみだな。無料で入場できるのも嬉しい!新宿での大会が初めてだということも興奮を高める要素だ。行ってみたい!



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