Whether you play Minecraft to build, explore or survive; now you can relax as you do it with the soothing synths of this lofi track! Featuring original music from Minecraft, each track has been remixed and reimagined to form waves of serene sounds that you can use for studying, focusing, or as a soundtrack to your next in-game project. So you can feel peaceful, even when playing on Hardcore mode!
Track 1 – Echo In The Wind - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 00:00
Track 2 – A Familiar Room - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 04:21
Track 3 – Bromeliad - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 08:12
Track 4 – Crescent Dunes - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 11:55
Track 5 – Relic - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 15:32
Track 6 – Echo In The Wind - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 20:00
Track 7 – A Familiar Room - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 24:21
Track 8 – Bromeliad - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 28:12
Track 9 – Crescent Dunes - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 31:55
Track 10 – Relic - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 35:32
Track 11 – Echo In The Wind - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 40:00
Track 12 – A Familiar Room - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 44:21
Track 13 – Bromeliad - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 48:12
Track 14 – Crescent Dunes - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 51:55
Track 15 – Relic - Remix: Monolism. Original: Aaron Cherof 55:32 動画
とても楽しくてアドオンとかも無料があっていいですね!でも、前のマイクラでは、クリスマスプレゼントが一日づつあったのになくなってしまったのがちょっと残念です😢 「訳」It's very fun and it's nice to have free add-ons! But it's a bit disappointing that in the previous Micra, there were Christmas gifts one day after day, but it's gone😢 (★4)(24/12/16)