In this epic series finale, discover how we crafter the crafted! Er, we mean crafted the crafter! GASP at the risks of introducing automated crafting. WEEP at the concept art that shows the developing face of automation and SCREAM as the incredible spy storyline that no one cared about reaches it's climactic conclusion. Massive thanks to Cory, Jasper, Chi, Agnes, Seyit and Markus for making sure this series had one or two facts in it!
00:00 Welcome to JOMANG STUDIOS
01:21 Step 1 - Make Crafting Automated!
02:49 Step 2 - Risky Business
03:29 Step 3 - Narrator’s Worst Nightmare
04:52 Step 4 - The Spitters of the Future
06:10 Scary JOMANG STUDIOS again
06:34 See YOU next time!
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とても楽しくてアドオンとかも無料があっていいですね!でも、前のマイクラでは、クリスマスプレゼントが一日づつあったのになくなってしまったのがちょっと残念です😢 「訳」It's very fun and it's nice to have free add-ons! But it's a bit disappointing that in the previous Micra, there were Christmas gifts one day after day, but it's gone😢 (★4)(24/12/16)