In this edition of Minecraft Monthly, we continue Minecraft’s 15th anniversary celebration by putting a big cherry on top of our birthday cake: announcing the Tricky Trials Update release date! Can you spot all the clues? And what did you think about Vu’s poem? He really wanted us to ask.
Today’s episode covers:
- The release date of the Tricky Trials Update
- The free 15 Year Journey map for Bedrock Edition
- The 15 Year Anniversary Cape
- 15 free Character Creator items
- A special birthday wish
- Minecraft Experience, a real-life adventure
- Minecraft Dungeons turns 4
- Celebrating 10 years of Java Realms with a free supermap
Discover all the anniversary surprises, including up to 50% off Minecraft games: リンク
Learn more about the release of the Tricky Trials Update: リンク
Read about how to get the free Character Creator items: リンク
Discover Minecraft Experience: リンク
Join the Minecraft Dungeons Celebration: リンク
Download the free Java supermap here: リンク 動画
とても楽しくてアドオンとかも無料があっていいですね!でも、前のマイクラでは、クリスマスプレゼントが一日づつあったのになくなってしまったのがちょっと残念です 「訳」It's very fun and it's nice to have free add-ons! But it's a bit disappointing that in the previous Micra, there were Christmas gifts one day after day, but it's gone (★4)(24/12/16)