Listen to the Tricky Trials Update soundtrack! Composed by Lena Raine, Kumi Tanioka, and Aaron Cherof, these 12 original tracks are the perfect companion to your trial chamber adventures. Mine for new copper blocks to the sound of three new music discs, or explore the sprawling structure of the trial chambers to the mysterious melodies of nine new ambient tracks. Start your adventure into the Tricky Trials update early by sinking into this soundtrack, or find out more at リンク
00:00 Featherfall - Aaron Cherof
05:40 Watcher - Aaron Cherof
11:09 Puzzlebox - Aaron Cherof
16:04 komorebi - Kumi Tanioka
20:46 pokopoko - Kumi Tanioka
25:35 yakusoku - Kumi Tanioka
30:00 Deeper - Lena Raine
35:00 Eld Unknown - Lena Raine
39:53 Endless - Lena Raine
46:30 Creator - Lena Raine
49:25 Creator (Music Box Version) - Lena Raine
50:38 Precipice - Aaron Cherof 動画
とても楽しくてアドオンとかも無料があっていいですね!でも、前のマイクラでは、クリスマスプレゼントが一日づつあったのになくなってしまったのがちょっと残念です 「訳」It's very fun and it's nice to have free add-ons! But it's a bit disappointing that in the previous Micra, there were Christmas gifts one day after day, but it's gone (★4)(24/12/16)