24/1/18(木曜日)「Hero Wars - Fantasy World」の最新動画をお知らせします。
After all the Guardians are divided into Classes, each Class will receive a unique Skill. To fight even better, you can level up these Skills!
Let’s take a closer look at how these Class Skills upgrade:
🔹To unlock access to the Class Skill, you will need to upgrade all Glyphs of one representative of that Class to level 40.
🔹Glyphs will be upgraded using a new resource – Rune Stones. All current Rune resources will be automatically exchanged for new Rune Stones as soon as the update is released!
🔹After unlocking a Class Skill, you can upgrade it using Rune Spheres. When upgrading a Class Skill, its level will change for all Heroes of that Class, and the maximum possible Glyph level will increase.
🔹After upgrading the Class Skill, the Glyphs of one of the representatives of that Class must be increased by five levels to be able to further improve the Class Skill, and so on until the new maximum Glyph level is reached: 80.
⚠ Important: After the update, the distribution of new Rune Stones (compared to existing resources) will increase in standard sources such as activity tasks, the VIP Shop, the Grand Arena Shop, and the Heroic Chest.
Check the picture to learn more about the new resources!
Which Class would you like to try in battle first?🤔
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