• バトルロワイヤル経済の調整が行われました。
  • FFコインの入手方法がランダムで、固定の場所がないため、不公平感があった。
  • 新しいバージョンでは、チーム全員に200FFコインを与える「コインマシン」が追加される。
  • 敵を倒すと自動的に100FFコインを獲得できるようになる。
  • 他にもマップ上にFFコインが落ちていることもある。

BR Economy Adjustments

 Hi Survivors! Today, I want to talk about the Battle Royale economy adjustments we made in the new version. The updates are rooted in the insights we gathered from your pain points regarding FF Coin looting and spending behavior. Read on for details! “FF Coin looting is too random. There aren’t any fixed locations to get them.”The lack of fixed coin-looting locations makes coin-earning a matter of luck and, because of that, there tends to be a wide gap among the FF Coin amounts among players. In the new version, we will roll out the Coin Machine, which, upon interaction, will generate 200 FF Coins for the entire team. There will still be some FF Coin drops around the map because, well, who doesn’t like surprises! “I risked my life eliminating an enemy and looting the Loot Box, thinking that I might get some FF Coins, but there weren’t any!”In the new version, you will automatically get 100 FF Coins for each elimination. Those who take risks shall be rewarded! “MY 2000 FF COINS ARE GONE BECAUSE I WAS ELIMINATED!!!”We feel you. In the upcoming update, you will revive with 30% of your previous FF Coin amount so you can buy weapons and items as soon as you land. No more starting from the bottom when you return to the fighting pit! “I have all this money but don’t know what to spend it on.”Brand new items, such as active skill cards, will soon be available at Vending Machines. You will be able to spend your FF Coins on items that can directly contribute to your battles, rather than merely on revival cards. These updates are not the end of our efforts to polish the economy system in Battle Royale. We will continue to monitor and optimize in hopes to enhance your gameplay experience. I hope you found this helpful. Keep the feedback coming! GM Andrew 



「Free Fire」最新情報はこちら
サービス開始日 2017年12月4日
何年目? 2587日(7年)
周年いつ? 次回:2025年12月4日(8周年)
アニバーサリーまで あと335日
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 2025年6月4日(7.5周年)
Free Fire情報
Free Fireについて何でもお気軽にコメントしてください(匿名)

The game is good, but there are a few issues: it's easy to miss the time to buy guns, the auto-aim feature isn't very useful, and it would be great if skins were cheaper. I hope they release more free skins that can be earned through completing missions. (★3)(24/10/1)
I want to give five starts but due to lack of Nepal region i am not giving 5 starts due to this issue we have to faces many problem would you mind to make Nepal server to this game Free Fire. I hope Garena will add the Nepal server soon. Thank You! (★4)(24/9/4)
First of all I have a one question for free fire why you didn’t give us nepali server we need nepali see ver (★5)(24/8/21)
Sonia character make unstable game because you kill that Enemy other player gets the kill you have to Band this Sonia character or change that Ability It’s not Stable in the game (★3)(23/12/10)
I’m haven’t money I am noob please give me my id ff 3705416580 and diamond please (★4)(23/6/21)
Love you soooooooo (★5)(24/12/18)

One thought on “「フリーファイア:バトルロワイヤルの経済調整が行われました!」”

  1. 新しいバージョンでのバトルロワイヤルの経済調整についてのアップデートがあります。FFコインの入手方法や使用方法に関するプレイヤーの意見を反映して行われた調整です。固定された場所からのコイン入手がないことが問題とされていましたが、新しいバージョンではチーム全体に200FFコインを生成するコインマシンが導入されます。また、敵を倒すことで自動的に100FFコインが入手できるようになります。リスクを冒すことで報酬が得られるようになったということです。



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