Hero Wars – Fantasy World

Hero Wars - Fantasy Worldのアイコン 動画/Finally Maxing Celeste! color rank | Hero Wars Dominion Era【24/2/9】

動画/Finally Maxing Celeste! color rank | Hero Wars Dominion Era【24/2/9】

24/2/9(金曜日)「Hero Wars – Fantasy World」の最新動画をお知らせします。

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Hero Wars - Fantasy Worldのアイコン 動画/Heidi Is Going to be a MONSTER MONKEY | Hero Wars Dominion Era【24/2/8】

動画/Heidi Is Going to be a MONSTER MONKEY | Hero Wars Dominion Era【24/2/8】

24/2/8(木曜日)「Hero Wars – Fantasy World」の最新動画をお知らせします。

Heidi will obtain Ascension Skills, get stronger, and even update his look — here you can read everything about his improvements that will take effect next week! 🔥
👀 First, le…