Born in the cerulean waters, the tribe swims downstream, driven by a desire to uncover unknown mysteries. In the dim, perilous currents, they sacrifice their lives one after another, igniting faint glimmers to fulfill their divine mission...
We've heard you’re eager for a mermaid-inspired outfit, so we’ve crafted the "Descent of a Tribe" set for you~ Are you excited to collect it in the upcoming Traveler’s Sprint event?
Plus, we have some gifts prepared! Share your thoughts on this outfit for a chance to win! 🧜♀️
💎 Rewards 💎
100 Winners: 3 Gold Tickets + 100 Diamond + 50 Stamina
🎁 Prizes will be sent within 3 business days after the event ends.
📅 Event End Time: 6/29 23:59 GMT-5
Original works only, no copycats! 🐈 IGG & the team have the final interpretation of the content and rules of this activity.
Download Time Princess here: リンクtimeprincessdressuppreviewoutfitdescentofatribetravelerssprint 動画