- ニンテンドースイッチ版のTERAVITが正式にリリースされた。
- リリースを祝うため、キャンペーンや特別プロモーションを実施する。
- アカウントをリンクすると、ゲーム内通貨のジュエルをプレゼント。
- キャンペーン期間は2023年11月30日から2023年12月14日まで。
- Nintendo Switch版のTERAVITをプレイし、アカウントにサインインまたはアカウントをリンクして参加する。
Nintendo Switch™ Version Release Celebration Campaign Announcement
Nintendo Switch™ Version Release Celebration Campaign Announcement2023.11.30Hi everyone. This is the Teravit Operation Team. As of today, November 30th (Thursday), we have officially released the Nintendo Switch™ version! To celebrate the release of the Nintendo Switch version of TERAVIT, we will be hosting various campaigns and special promotions, such as opportunities to acquire jewels! Receive in-game currency as a gift by linking accounts! Participants who fulfill conditions such as linking their Nintendo Switch version of ‘TERAVIT’ to their account during the campaign period will receive a gift of 100 jewels on a first-come, first-served basis for up to 10,000 individuals. ◆Campaign Period November 30th, 2023 (Thursday) ~ Scheduled Update on December 14th, 2023 (Thursday) ◆How to Paticipate 1. Play the Nintendo Switch version of ‘TERAVIT.’ 2. Sign in with an existing account or link accounts on the Nintendo Switch version. Players who meet the above conditions will be eligilble. ◆Important Notes ・If acquisition by multiple accounts is confirmed, the player will become ineligible for the campagn. ・The special bonus effects may be offered again in future campaigns. Fun RPG World ‘Warrior of Hope’ Campaign! We are currently conducting two campaigns to enhance the enjoyment of the RPG world ‘Warriors of Hope’. 10 Free Consecutive ‘Premium Gacha’ Pulls in RPG World ‘Warrior of Hope’! Play the ‘Premium Gacha’ 10 times for free on the first attempt in the official World ‘Warrior of Hope’. In ‘Premium Gacha’ players can obtain skins that can be equipped on avatars, as well as Emotes and other Items useful within the World. Clear the RPG World ‘Warrior of Hope’ and receive a special effect! All players who have cleared the RPG world ‘Warrior of Hope’ will receive the in-game avatar effect ‘Wings of Hope’ as a present. ◆Fun RPG World ‘Warrior of Hope’ Campaign! Period November 16th, 2023 (Thursday) ~ Scheduled Update on December 14th, 2023 (Thursday) ◆Important Notes ・Players who have cleared ‘Warriors of Hope’ before the start of the campaign are also eligible for the campaign rewards. ・The effect “Wings of Hope” can be obtained as a reward for in-game “Achievements”. Pay and Receive Special Bonus Effects Campaign! Players who make payments of $21.99 USD or more during the campaign period will be presented the ‘Gold Rush’ Effect, which can be equipped on avatars in-game. ◆Top-up and receive special rewards and effects during the event! November 16th, 2023 (Thursday) ~ Scheduled Update on December 14th, 2023 (Thursday) ◆Important Notes ・Payments from the PC/Steam and the iOS/Android versions are also eligible. ・The bonus effect will be sent as the in-game present. ・Limited to one present per account. ・Multiple transactions will not be totalled to be eligible for this campaign. ・The special bonus effects may be offered again in future campaigns. Please enjoy ‘Warrior of Hope’ and avatar customization! Table of ContentsReceive in-game currency as a gift by linking accounts!Fun RPG World ‘Warrior of Hope’ Campaign!10 Free Consecutive ‘Premium Gacha’ Pulls in RPG World ‘Warrior of Hope’!Clear the RPG World ‘Warrior of Hope’ and receive a special effect!Pay and Receive Special Bonus Effects Campaign!
「テラビット」最新情報はこちらサービス開始日 | 2023年11月16日 |
何年目? | 415日(1年1ヶ月) |
周年いつ? | 次回:2025年11月16日(2周年) |
アニバーサリーまで | あと316日 |
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 | 2025年5月16日(1.5周年)
あと132日 |
運営 | CyberStep, Inc. |
Nintendo Switch™版のリリースを祝うキャンペーンの発表ですね。TERAVITのNintendo Switch版のリリースを祝して、様々なキャンペーンや特別プロモーションが開催されるようです。アカウントをリンクすることでゲーム内通貨をプレゼントされるなど、参加者には特典が用意されています。キャンペーン期間中にアカウントをリンクする条件を満たした人々には、最大10,000人に100ジュエルがプレゼントされるそうです。キャンペーン期間は2023年11月30日から2023年12月14日までです。Nintendo Switch版のTERAVITをプレイして、既存のアカウントにサインインするかアカウントをリンクすることで参加できます。