23/11/2(木曜日)「Omega Strikers」の最新動画をお知らせします。 Download now! ►► リンク Subscribe! ►► リンク Join our Discord! ►► リンク You can read the full details of the patch on Steam! リンク Hey, what's goin' on, Ethan? Woah no way for real? Haha, that's awesome! Y'know what, you should check out these patch notes. We've got some small changes today to your favorite game, Omega Strikers. With the launch of Nao, she helped us research into characters and that we should change - including herself! We also have another Asher buff, just like last patch, so you Asher mains can stop following me home. Okay, let us begin. Strikers Asher Last patch buff wasn't as effective as we'd hoped, so we're buffing the buff lady a bit more. BARRIER BEAM [PRIMARY] Barrier width on her side of the field increased by 5% Estelle Though not dominant, Estelle excels in a lot of different ranges of gameplay tiers. This is just a little touch to bring her in line. ROSE WARP [SECONDARY] Cooldown :: 15 → 16 Damage & Knockback :: 150 (+75% Power) → 140 (+70% Power) Core Knockback :: 1280 (+150% Power) → 1260 (+140% Power) Luna Luna mains get real good with Luna - and they be B.O.O.S.Tin' their enemies off the map too much man. B.O.O.S.T. [SECONDARY] Damage + Knockback :: 220 (+110% Power) → 200 (+100% Power) Core Knockback :: 1390 (+205% Power) → 1380 (+200% Power) Octavia Players were sleeping on this Oni, but she's seen a resurgence a bit at higher levels of play and people are flow stating all over the place. FLOW STATE [SECONDARY] Base speed bonus :: 30% → 28% Speed growth (per second) :: 2% → 1.6% Nao We put the director of special projects into your hands and she made a decent debut. She's a little weak following said debut, so this should help her fare better in all tiers of play. SENTRY DRONE [PRIMARY] Minimum recast time :: 0.2 → 0.1 Cooldown :: 8 → 7 Duration :: 3.0 → 3.25 Knockback & Damage :: 150 (+75% Power) → 160 (+80% Power) Core Knockback :: 1220 (+125% Power) → 1260 (+140% Power) PROXIMITY DRONE [SECONDARY] Time to Destroy (How long enemies need to step on it) :: 0.65 → 0.8 LIFELINE [SPECIAL] Range :: 1250 → 1500 Teleport duration :: 0.5 → 0.4 GEAR AND AWAKENINGS Aerials Projectiles with Aerials were projecting too much. Just a bit. This'll make it a little more appropriate. Projectile range 35% → 30% Dash range :: 0.75 → 0.7 Cast to Last Cast to Last casts were really lasting, but now the Cast to Last casts will last less. Buff and Debuff duration increase :: 70% → 60% Dead eye Dead eye is pretty underwhelming. It's now a little less dead. Damage increase:: 30% → 32.5% Egoist His ego got the best of him, though he sticks around while his Energy friends are gone, he's a little weak without them. Energy refund on flip :: 20 → 25 Energy refund on dodge :: 10 → 12 Heavy Impact Heavy Impact? More like Heavier Than Before Impact Impact Bonus :: 15% → 20% Hot Shot We nerfed Hot Shot last patch, but the chili pepper was still performing red-hot. This'll cool it down a bit. Ability damage increase :: 14% → 12% Quick Strikes The higher your tier, the better Quick Strikes would perform. This'll help bring it down in line for all gamers of the game "Omega Strikers". Strike Cooldown Reduction :: 25% → 20% Energy bonus :: 2 → 1 Stagger Swagger Defense awakenings can be a little offensive too, as a treat. Base speed :: 8% → 10% Strike Shot Strike Shot is currently the worst of the goalie Gear by a bit. (Even though it's the patch note editor's favorite). This'll make it compete with the others a little better! Cooldown :: 10 → 8

「Omega Strikers」最新情報はこちら Omega Strikersの動画をもっと見る
サービス開始日 2023年4月28日
何年目? 630日(1年8ヶ月)
周年いつ? 次回:2025年4月28日(2周年)
アニバーサリーまで あと101日
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 2025年10月28日(2.5周年)
運営 Odyssey Interactive Inc
Omega Strikers情報
Omega Strikersについて何でもお気軽にコメントしてください(匿名)

このスピーディーな3対3のサッカーバトルゲームで、対戦相手を叩き出してゴールを決めよう。スライムや豆腐を投げたりロケットブーストを使ったりして、15以上のクールなストライカーの一人として勝利しましょう。フレンドとチームを組み、ライバルと競り勝ち真のオメガストライカーとなるのです。 多彩なマッチ 吹き飛ばしたり、跳ね返したり、押し込んだりして、相手をカオスで電撃的な危険エリアに入れましょう。アトラス研究所の渦巻く重力井戸を避けたり、鬼の村マップを猛スピードで駆け抜けたり多彩なマップを攻略しよう! 自分独自のスタイル クレジットを獲得して、それぞれに特殊なアビリティを持つ強力なストライカーをアンロックしましょう。トレーニングでプレイスタイルをカスタマイズし、スキンやエモートをアップグレードすることも可能です。 ビッグなシーズンアップデート 「Omega Strikers」略して『オメスト』は継続的に進化し、シーズンごとに新しいストライカー、ステージ、アンロック可能アイテム、プレイ方法が追加されます。 コンテンツによっては、インゲームストアでの別途購入が必要となったり、利用が限定的になったりする場合もあります。当ゲームにはゲーム内購入が含まれています。



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