23/10/5(木曜日)「Omega Strikers」の最新動画をお知らせします。 Download now! ►► リンク Subscribe! ►► リンク Join our Discord! ►► リンク You can read the full details of the patch on Steam! リンク Hello. Bonjour. 안녕하세요. Hola. こんにちは. We're back at it again with another micropatch for the hit game "Omega Strikers". All them big ole' Strikers (and other size things) are getting a size nerf, bringing 'em down in line with the rest of the crew. There's a couple other small things in here as well, and we're hoping to get a thiccer patch out sometime this month! STRIKERS Strike Size Nerfs Strike size has proven to be an extremely potent stat for all of our, well, thicc strikers. These beefy ones have continuously beat out the competition - despite having on average longer cooldowns on their abilities. Normal-sized characters are unchanged but we're shrinking the power of the big ones. Asher Asher is part of the size nerfs, but we don't want to nerf Asher too much on the whole. We will look to buff her in a future patch to make up for these changes. STRIKE Strike :: 270 → 265 Atlas Atlas often had the weight of the world on his shoulders, and was holding it up too well, so he's getting hit with an extra nerf. ASTRAL PROJECTION [PRIMARY] Cooldown :: 8s → 9s STRIKE Strike range :: 270 → 265 Dubu He'll still be bigger than the rest of the cast, but... just less bigger. Strike range :: 285 → 275 X X is collateral damage of this change, so we're making sure he still gets his moment to shine when he try and give it to ya. STRIKE Strike range :: 270 → 265 Strike range during SPECIAL unchanged X MAXIMUS! [SPECIAL] Size increase :: 35% → 37.5% Estelle Our last set of changes helped make Estelle less of a damage menace, but she's still wracking up those wins with outstanding core control. This should bring her back in line. CRYSTAL THORNS [SPECIAL] Cooldown :: 20s → 22s Juno After the change to her Blobbo activity in 3.0, Juno's been struggling to find her footing - the additional hold time has given enemies more opportunities to stop Juno's friends from finding shots. To level that out, we're giving them some more firing power. STRIKE WITH FRIENDS [PASSIVE] Blobbo Core Knockback :: 1310 (+165% Power) → 1350 (+185% Power) PvP values unchanged MAKE IT RAIN [SPECIAL] Cooldown :: 35s → 30s Vyce SUPER NOVA [SPECIAL] Cooldown :: 40s → 35s GEAR AND AWAKENINGS Big Fish The theme of this patch is size reduction! Big Fish is now a less big fish. Size :: 30% → 25% Built Different The theme of this patch is size reduction! Built Different is now a less built different. Okay, that didn't make sense, sorry. Size :: 30% → 25% Egoist Persistent speed boost at full Energy :: 10% → 12% Burst of speed when hitting full Energy unchanged Extra Special The happy star was a bit too happy - and is still always good. We're just gonna wipe that smile off its face a bit. Cooldown reduction :: 30% → 25% Reverberation The reverb was a bit too strong after the buffs last time. We're adjusting the parameters to bring it back in line with the other stagger options. Cooldown per 100 max Stagger :: 1.5 → 1.15 Spark of Resilience Spark of Resilience has fallen behind its Spark compatriots, and some other awakenings, in terms of power and pick rate. We're pushing some power into it to give it a... spark. Base Stagger :: 100 → 150 Stagger per Spark :: 200 → 250 Stagger Swagger Heal per Second :: 150 → 200 Tempo Swing Max Stagger percent for Damage/Heal on hit :: 5% (1.66% for LIGHT hits) → 6% (2% for LIGHT hits)

「Omega Strikers」最新情報はこちら Omega Strikersの動画をもっと見る
サービス開始日 2023年4月28日
何年目? 627日(1年8ヶ月)
周年いつ? 次回:2025年4月28日(2周年)
アニバーサリーまで あと104日
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 2025年10月28日(2.5周年)
運営 Odyssey Interactive Inc
Omega Strikers情報
Omega Strikersについて何でもお気軽にコメントしてください(匿名)

このスピーディーな3対3のサッカーバトルゲームで、対戦相手を叩き出してゴールを決めよう。スライムや豆腐を投げたりロケットブーストを使ったりして、15以上のクールなストライカーの一人として勝利しましょう。フレンドとチームを組み、ライバルと競り勝ち真のオメガストライカーとなるのです。 多彩なマッチ 吹き飛ばしたり、跳ね返したり、押し込んだりして、相手をカオスで電撃的な危険エリアに入れましょう。アトラス研究所の渦巻く重力井戸を避けたり、鬼の村マップを猛スピードで駆け抜けたり多彩なマップを攻略しよう! 自分独自のスタイル クレジットを獲得して、それぞれに特殊なアビリティを持つ強力なストライカーをアンロックしましょう。トレーニングでプレイスタイルをカスタマイズし、スキンやエモートをアップグレードすることも可能です。 ビッグなシーズンアップデート 「Omega Strikers」略して『オメスト』は継続的に進化し、シーズンごとに新しいストライカー、ステージ、アンロック可能アイテム、プレイ方法が追加されます。 コンテンツによっては、インゲームストアでの別途購入が必要となったり、利用が限定的になったりする場合もあります。当ゲームにはゲーム内購入が含まれています。



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