23/9/7(木曜日)「Omega Strikers」の最新動画をお知らせします。 Download now! ►► リンク Subscribe! ►► リンク Join our Discord! ►► リンク FULL DETAILS: (and on Steam: リンク Hey there Strikers. We're back for some more micro'ing. In case you missed it, Kazan got some nerfs last Friday (September 1) and Finii got some bugfixes and buffs on our rogue off-schedule micropatch. There were also some immediate bugfixes following the big splash that 3.0 made. (Thankfully X stopped infinitely striking your face into the dirt shortly after). With all that behind us, though, we have a standard balancing patch and rotation for Awakenings. Melee goalies are getting some taps down. STRIKERS Ai.Mi Ai.MI has absolutely infected the hearts, minds, and computers of players. She's still our most popular Striker and is also winning a large proportion of her games. One culprit is the usefulness of Firewall Sentry, given its relative (to her other abilities) ease of use. FIREWALL SENTRY [SPECIAL] Cooldown :: 30s → 35s PvP Damage and Knockback :: 140 (+70% Power) → 125 (+62.5% Power) Core Knockback :: 819 (+91% Power) → 800 (+80% Power) Asher Asher's shield was patched up a bit and is once again a dominant force at high levels of play, so we're slowing down her barrier-ing. BARRIER BEAM [PRIMARY] Cooldown :: 8s → 9s Atlas Atlas has been the stoic angel, protecting his teammates a bit too well. We're reducing his save attempts and giving patient opponents some better counterplay. CELESTIAL INTERVENTION [SPECIAL] Cooldown :: 45s → 50s Duration of Guardian :: 3.5s → 3s Dubu Dubu (and Atlas) have been running the meta from the net. We're slowing his roll. SOMERASSAULT [SECONDARY] Cooldown :: 18s → 20s ROLLOUT [PRIMARY] PvP Damage and Knockback :: 180 (+90% Power) → 170 (+85% Power) Core Knockback :: 1340 (+180% Power) → 1320 (+170% Power) Estelle The consummate professional has been slowly creeping up the winner boards (that a thing?). She is great at putting the Core in the net! We want her to keep that strength, so we're just tuning down her damage a tiny bit. CRYSTAL THORNS [SPECIAL] PvP Damage and Knockback :: 130 (+65% Power) → 120 (+60% Power) Core Knockback :: 1240 (+130% Power) → 1220 (+120% Power) Finii Bumping up some of Finii's damage output, following bugfixes to her PRIMARY last micropatch. DOUBLE TAKE [SECONDARY] PvP Damage and Knockback :: 160 (+80% Power) → 180 (+90% Power) Core Knockback :: 1300 (+160% Power) → 1340 (+180% Power) Rune Rune has always been one of the trickiest of the Strikers to play. We're removing some emphasis on his damage combos and giving him some range so he can better control the Core. UNSTABLE ANOMALY [PRIMARY] Increase Pillar Range :: 600 → 750 Same pillar damage reduction :: 90% → 99% Vyce Due to how impactful Vyce was with rocking out initially, we had her SPECIAL at unusually high cooldown. Players have learned better to counter it, so we're pulling back some of the protection. Time to DODGE. SUPER NOVA [SPECIAL] Cooldown :: 45s → 40s GEAR AND AWAKENINGS With our micropatch we also bring a new rotation. Sparkington City is back!!! Orbs are out! ...temporarily. Oh, and Glass Cannon is joining them on the sideline. Aside from those, we have a couple small adjustments to some of the other ones. ROTATED OUT: Orbs (Orb Dancer, Orb Ponderer, Orb Replicator) and Glass Cannon ROTATED IN: Sparkington City (Spark of Strength, Spark of Agility, Spark of Focus, Spark of Resilience) Built Different Impact bonus damage :: 10% → 5% (2% on Core → 1% on Core) Bulk Up All the Stagger conversion trainings have been left behind again. Bumping up their durability and thus their synergy with each other. Max Stagger :: 300 → 350 Reverberation Max Stagger :: 300 → 350 Peak Performance Max Stagger :: 300 → 350 Catalyst Catalyst has been the keystone of the Energy Exodia build. While the other Energy awakenings are performing below average, Catalyst has been seeing a lot of success and a lot of focus. We're bringing it down a notch and will reassess the state of the rest of the Energy options afterward. Energy on taking hits :: 6 (2 for LIGHT hits) → 4.5 (1.5 for LIGHT hits) Eject Button SECONDARY Cooldown :: 25% → 30% Heavy Impact Cooldown Refund for multi-hits :: 25% → 35% Max CD refund :: 10s → 14s Missile Propulsion Damage Bonus :: 15% → 20% Perfect Form Cooldown :: 15% (5% for light hits) (max 1.5/.5s)→ 20% CD reduction (6.66% for light hits) (max 2/.666s) Primetime Primetime took a lot of nerfs and is STILL SLIGHTLY too strong. We're bringing it down just a final smidge. Damage Reduction for PRIMARY :: 10% → 15% Siphoning Wand Siphoning Wand has been underperforming slightly since its back-to-back nerfs. Drain :: 3.5% → 4% Specialized Training 55% → 50% Super Surge Damage Bonus :: 25% → 30%

「Omega Strikers」最新情報はこちら Omega Strikersの動画をもっと見る
サービス開始日 2023年4月28日
何年目? 627日(1年8ヶ月)
周年いつ? 次回:2025年4月28日(2周年)
アニバーサリーまで あと104日
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 2025年10月28日(2.5周年)
運営 Odyssey Interactive Inc
Omega Strikers情報
Omega Strikersについて何でもお気軽にコメントしてください(匿名)

このスピーディーな3対3のサッカーバトルゲームで、対戦相手を叩き出してゴールを決めよう。スライムや豆腐を投げたりロケットブーストを使ったりして、15以上のクールなストライカーの一人として勝利しましょう。フレンドとチームを組み、ライバルと競り勝ち真のオメガストライカーとなるのです。 多彩なマッチ 吹き飛ばしたり、跳ね返したり、押し込んだりして、相手をカオスで電撃的な危険エリアに入れましょう。アトラス研究所の渦巻く重力井戸を避けたり、鬼の村マップを猛スピードで駆け抜けたり多彩なマップを攻略しよう! 自分独自のスタイル クレジットを獲得して、それぞれに特殊なアビリティを持つ強力なストライカーをアンロックしましょう。トレーニングでプレイスタイルをカスタマイズし、スキンやエモートをアップグレードすることも可能です。 ビッグなシーズンアップデート 「Omega Strikers」略して『オメスト』は継続的に進化し、シーズンごとに新しいストライカー、ステージ、アンロック可能アイテム、プレイ方法が追加されます。 コンテンツによっては、インゲームストアでの別途購入が必要となったり、利用が限定的になったりする場合もあります。当ゲームにはゲーム内購入が含まれています。



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