こんばんは。23/5/2(火曜日)「Omega Strikers」の最新動画をお知らせします。
Sonii here! We just updated Omega Strikers with some tweaks to numbers and some balance stuff. Check it out!!
-- Full details --
Night Market
Night Market is a bit tame in comparison to the explosions and firepower of our other maps. We're turning up the speed a bit!
Speed Zone recharge time :: 5s → 4s
Atlas can use Astral Projection to win trades with frequency. This is a minor touch - he'll still be winning trades with said frequency, but he'll be paying a slightly higher cost for it.
Astral Projection [PRIMARY]
Cooldown :: 7.5s → 8s
Asher's special is quite good at stun-locking and creating forward pressure, given how easy it is for her to hit it. We're reducing its effective range and stun power to keep her more in line with other Strikers.
Pathcarver [SPECIAL]
Base Creation Duration :: Reduced from 2.25 → 1.9s
Minimum hit stun duration :: Reduced from 0.3s → 0.05s
Fixing a Drek'ar bug that made his Molten Bolt last longer than intended, especially when he'd selected Cast to Last.
Molten Bolt [SPECIAL]
[BUGFIX] No longer gains CREATION benefits for the ability
Our favorite hampter sure is a stalwart defender. Honestly though, sometimes he also wants to slam. We're giving him some more opportunities and payoff for belly flopping on his enemies. (Just like he did in the Trigger trailer!!!! He did the thing!)
Somerassault [SECONDARY]
Cooldown 20s → 18s
Damage and PvP Knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 210 (+105% Power)
Magic Maelstrom (Era's SPECIAL) was blocking off large sections of the map too frequently and effectively. We're increasing its cooldown to make it more punishing when she has a poor cast.
Magic Maelstrom [SPECIAL]
Cooldown :: Increased from 15s → 20s
Luna's W.H.A.M.M.Y (that's her missile) is a little too punishing to miss, given its short-ish base range and acceleration time to get a stronger hit. We're going to give Luna a bit more opportunity to fish for good hits by reducing its cooldown. And more chances for you to launch a random missile across the map for a free goal.
Cooldown :: Reduced from 7s → 6.5s
Kai can deny too many opportunities, so we're knocking down his rapid firing barrage's rapidness and its range a bit.
Barrage [PRIMARY]
Cooldown :: 10s → 11s
Range :: 775 → 650
Rune's combinations aren't as lethal as we'd like. While he has a lot of tricks in his bag, his KO bread and butter Banish into Unstable Anomaly should be confirming knockouts on players close to the edge of the arena.
Unstable Anomaly [PRIMARY]
Fully formed PvP Knockback :: 220 (+110% Power) → 250 (+125% Power)
PvP Damage and Core Knockback unchanged
Unformed damage unchanged
Also applies to the Unstable Anomaly left by Shadow Walk [SECONDARY]
We're giving Rasmus a bit more mobility and agency over when he can utilize his Whiplash. This should mean he can do more than just Death Touch unsuspecting victims.
Whiplash [SECONDARY]
Duration :: 2s → 2.25s
Goalie Gear seems to be a toss up between Strike Shot and Eject Button. We're giving the other options a bit of love to make them do what they do... except better.
Momentum Boots
Move Speed per Stack :: 1.5% → 1.75%
Max Speed :: 20% → 22.5%
Power :: 15 → 20
Extra Special
Special cooldown reduction :: 35% → 40%
Creations hit bonus :: 20% → 15%
5月2日 前日の様子 |
ゲームセールス:圏外 総合セールス:圏外 無料ランキング:22位 |
23'5月3日(水曜日) 記事掲載日 ※1日の最高順位 |
ゲームセールス:圏外 総合セールス:圏外 無料ランキング:16位 |
無料ランキング急上昇 | 注目度が高くなっています。ゲームを開始するチャンスです。 |
無料ランキング上位 ※初心者にオススメ! |
話題性もあり新規またはアクティブユーザーが多い。リセマラのチャンスの可能性も高くサービス開始直後や 期間などのゲームも多い。 |
サービス開始日 | 2023年4月28日 |
何年目? | 627日(1年8ヶ月) |
周年いつ? | 次回:2025年4月28日(2周年) |
アニバーサリーまで | あと104日 |
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 | 2025年10月28日(2.5周年)
あと287日 |
運営 | Odyssey Interactive Inc |