- The Cosmic Echo: Frosty Frolic Festival will run from December 15th to December 30th.
- Elsa casts a snowy enchantment over Mirrorforge Crater, bringing the Guardians their first-ever snow day.
- Things go awry as the snow begins to melt and elementals wreak havoc.
- Elsa enlists the help of Frozone to save the snow day.
- Players can gather Frost Fragments by playing the Campaign Quest and trade them at Elsa’s Icy Emporium for prizes.
- Arctic Fragments can also be traded in for a chance at Elsa, Olaf, Anna, and other valuable items, as well as sending a gift item to alliance members.
Cosmic Echo: Frosty Frolic Festival

The Cosmic Echo: Frosty Frolic Festival will run from December 15th 18:00 UTC to December 30th 18:00 UTC! Cosmic Echo Story: Snowmelt Mischief Desiring to share some wintry delight with […]
News and EventsCosmic Echo: Frosty Frolic FestivalDec 15, 2023Author: Kabam PinwheelShare:Link Copied!The Cosmic Echo: Frosty Frolic Festival will run from December 15th 18:00 UTC to December 30th 18:00 UTC! Cosmic Echo Story: Snowmelt Mischief Desiring to share some wintry delight with the denizens of Mirrorforge Crater, Elsa casts a snowy enchantment over the land and brings the Guardians their first-ever snow day! However, things quickly go awry, and as the snow begins to melt and elementals wreak havoc, Elsa enlists the help of Frozone to save the snow day before the last icicle has melted! Cosmic Boon: Elsa’s Icy Emporium Gather Frost Fragments by playing the Campaign Quest and trade them in at Elsa’s Icy Emporium for prizes and more! Arctic Fragments can also be traded in to get the Frolic Crystal for a chance at Elsa, Olaf, Anna, and other valuable items, while also sending out a gift item to all your Alliance Members too! Cosmic Boon: Frosty Friends Alliance Mission Gather your Alliance members and open as many Frolic Crystals as you can during this campaign and to progress this mission! Milestone rewards include Brilliant Crystal Shards, Frost Fragments and more! Cosmic Boon: Frosty Frolic Festival Objectives During the Frosty Frolic Festival Campaign, participating in the quests, using and upgrading certain Guardians will get you some extra rewards! Take advantage while you can! Cosmic Boon: Frosty Frolic Festival Calendar Each day for the next 14 days, you’ll be able to collect a reward upon logging into the game! Please keep in mind, It is possible to miss a reward given out on a certain day so make sure you login every day to make the most out of your Frosty Frolic Festival Calendar!
「Disney ミラー・ウォリアーズ」最新情報はこちら
サービス開始日 | 2022年6月23日 |
何年目? | 1008日(2年9ヶ月) |
周年いつ? | 次回:2025年6月23日(3周年) |
アニバーサリーまで | あと88日 |
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 | 2025年12月23日(3.5周年)
あと271日 |
記事の内容は、ElsaがMirrorforge Craterの住民と冬の喜びを共有したいと思い、雪の魔法を使って最初の雪の日をもたらすというものです。しかし、雪が溶け始め、エレメンタルが騒ぎを起こすというトラブルが発生します。Elsaは最後の氷柱が溶ける前に、雪の日を救うためにFrozoneの助けを借りる必要があります。また、キャンペーンクエストをプレイしてFrost Fragmentsを集め、Elsa’s Icy Emporiumで景品やその他のアイテムと交換することもできます。さらに、Arctic Fragmentsを交換してFrolic Crystalを入手し、Elsa、Olaf、Annaなどの貴重なアイテムを手に入れることもできます。同時に、アライアンスメンバー全員にギフトアイテムを送ることもできます。