- 10.0のゲームアップデートは、2023年12月5日にダウンロードできるようになります。
- このアップデートには、エルサとオラフのアップデート、レガシークエストのアップデートなどが含まれます。
- エルサのアップデートでは、敵に凍傷デバフがある場合、ノースウィンドはその敵に追加の200%のダメージを与えます。
- エルサのヘビーアタックは、3秒間で秒毎に66%のダメージを与えるフリーズを発生させる確率が30%になります。凍傷オーラに立っている敵に当たると、確率は100%になります。
- エルサの攻撃が凍傷オーラを通過すると、追加の100%のダメージが与えられます。
- オラフのアップデートでは、モーメントオブコンフォートのアンコモン1エレメンタルイミュニティが削除され、コアに追加されます。しかし、モートは攻撃、めまい、窒息デバフを浄化する能力を保持します。
- モートからの回復量は1〜3%増加します。
10.0 Game Update Notes

The 10.0 game update will be available to download on December 5. This update includes updates to Elsa and Olaf, updates to Legacy Quests, and more!
Game Updates10.0 Game Update NotesDec 4, 2023Author: Kabam PinwheelShare:Link Copied!The 10.0 game update will be available to download on December 5. This update includes updates to Elsa and Olaf, updates to Legacy Quests, and more! Table of ContentsGuardian UpdatesUpdates and Improvements updated Guardian Updates Elsa Updates Core Ability Updates If an enemy has Frostbite Debuff, the North Wind deals an additional 200% damage to that enemy. Elsa’s Heavy Attack has a 30% chance to inflict Freeze, dealing 66% damage per second for 3 seconds. If the enemy hit is standing in the Frostbite Aura, the chance becomes 100%. [Max Stacks: 1] Special Ability Updates When Elsa’s attacks pass through the Frostbite Aura, they deal an additional 100% damage. Olaf Updates Talent Updates Moment of Comfort – Uncommon 1 Elemental Immunity removed and added to the Core, But Motes retain the ability to cleanse Attack, Dizzy, and Stifle Debuffs. Heals from Motes are 1~3% more powerful. (Moved from the rare) Warmer Hugs – Rare Enemies that pass through Motes are inflicted with Freeze, dealing 200~400% Damage over 4 seconds. 50% damage per second at R1 and 100% damage per second at max rank. Partial heal granted from uncollected Motes at the end of chunks is increased to 2% (From 1.5%). Core Ability Updates Picking up a Hearth Glimmer provides all allies Immunity to Burn, Freeze, Shock, and Wound for 6 seconds. [Max Stack: 1] Heath Glimmer glimmer now heals an additional 1% HP. (From 3% –> 4%) Special Ability Updates Olaf now heals 12% HP (previously set to 6%) updated Legacy Quests 2.0 New Legacy Quests that include the following additions: Master difficulty Side Encounters and Guardian duplicate rewards Epic Book of Wisdom Vol. 2 Pages rewards (Master only) Stardust rewards (All difficulties) Star completion restrictions Legacy Quest 2.0 included in this release: Frozone’s Frosty Frenzy Raya’s Heart of the Hopeful updated Updates and Improvements Bug fixes, performance optimizations, and grammar fixes, including fixes for the following issues: A player was able to tap on their Alliance banner to rejoin it immediately after they leave it, causing the Alliance menu to not update correctly. When a player is at full energy they were unable to use Energy Recharges from their inventory, but were able to use them after tapping “Get More” on the resource bar. Certain Story encounters in Chapter 1 and 2 would only allow players to earn 1 Star. Please note that some changes may have already gone live for all players before the update is released.
「Disney ミラー・ウォリアーズ」最新情報はこちら
サービス開始日 | 2022年6月23日 |
何年目? | 924日(2年6ヶ月) |
周年いつ? | 次回:2025年6月23日(3周年) |
アニバーサリーまで | あと172日 |
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 | 2025年12月23日(3.5周年)
あと355日 |