- 9.0ゲームアップデートは10月24日にダウンロード可能になります。
- このアップデートには、いくつかの敵対的なガーディアンのキットの更新、ストームボーンジャイアントとのエンカウンターのためのQoL改善などが含まれています。
- ガーディアンの更新には、イービルクイーンに関するマイナーなバグ修正が含まれています。
- 彼女のキットの機能性を改善するために、スペシャルポイズンの優先順位を変更しました。
- 彼女のシグネチャーポイズンがトリガーされない問題を修正しました。
- コアアビリティの更新では、基本攻撃と重攻撃からのポイズンのトリガー効果を25%と35%に増加させました。
- ハーツベインは、イービルクイーンからだけでなく、他の味方のポイズンによっても敵に適用できるようになりました。
- 基本ダメージ軽減スタッツモッドを削除しました。
- スペシャルアビリティのクールダウンを15秒から12秒に短縮しました。
9.0 Game Update Notes

The 9.0 game update will be available to download on Oct 24. This update includes updates to the kit of some Villianous Guardians, QoL improvement for the Stormborn Giant encounters, […]
Game Updates9.0 Game Update NotesOct 24, 2023Author: Kabam PinwheelShare:Link Copied!The 9.0 game update will be available to download on Oct 24. This update includes updates to the kit of some Villianous Guardians, QoL improvement for the Stormborn Giant encounters, and more! Table of ContentsGuardian UpdatesUpdates and Improvements updated Guardian Updates Evil Queen Updates General Updates Minor bug fixes to clean up the functionality of her kit; Changed Special poison priority so that it’s applied and counted before heal is triggered. Fixed her Sig poison not triggering. Core Ability Updates Increase the effectiveness to trigger Poison from Basic and Heavy Attacks, to 25% and 35% respectively, from 15 / 20. Heartsbane can be applied to any enemy whenever any ally source causes Poison now, not solely Poison dealt from Evil Queen. Remove the Basic Damage Reduction statmod. Special Ability Updates Reduce cooldown from 15 to 12 seconds to allow her to hit her Special with Max Stacks of Heartsbane more efficiently. Increase the effectiveness of Heartsbane charges on healing from 0.5% to 1%. Special Heal over Time duration reduced from 4 to 2.5 seconds. Heartsbane Charges are applied and counted first, before the Heal activates, resulting in a better Heal overall. Oogie Boogie Updates Core Ability Updates 100% Direct Damage Resistance to Poison. When inflicted with Poison, triggers a 1% heal over time on himself while afflicted. [Max Stacks: 1] Special Ability Updates Targets hit are inflicted with Poison dealing 5% damage per second for 10 seconds. [Max Stacks: 1] Signature Ability Updates On Special Ability trigger, activate Poison dealing 1% damage per second, for 6 seconds. Ursula Updates Core Ability Updates Increase the Attack Debuff potency from -2.5% to -5% and remove the clause that removes them if Ursula isn’t targeting them, instead, there’s a 10 second duration. Increase the Defense Buff potency from 10% to 25% and reduce the Max Stacks from 10 to 6. Special Ability Updates Increase the damage on her Special Ability to 600% from 400% – removing from Talent 5. Increase the duration of Root by 1 second, up to 6 seconds. Signature Ability Updates Special Attacks from all other allies deal an additional 50~100% damage to targets inflicted with a Binding Contract. Enemies inflicted with Binding Contract have a 10% damage reduction against all allies. Talent 3 Updates Update the chance to grant the defense buff on hit to 30~70% from 20~50%. Talent 5 Updates Her Special Ability now inflicts Bind for 4~8 seconds. Increase the duration of the Special Root 2 seconds. Stormborn Giant Encounter update Stormborn Giant HP Reduced by 10% Reduced max number of swarms onscreen from 5 to 4 HP has been reduced from the second wave swarms by 75% Added 1/2 second to heavy attack windup Stormborn Swarms Shocks have been reduced in length from 5 to 4 seconds Stun duration has been decreased from 5 to 3 seconds You cannot be re-stun again for 8 seconds after the effect has triggered for each character updated Updates and Improvements Bug fixes, performance optimizations, and grammar fixes, including fixes for: An issue where pressing the Home button on a map could cause button duplications on the UI An issue where SFX sounds were sometimes played when tapping on Member Contributions screen during Rift Raids An issue where Wall-E’s special was not using the proper VFX An issue where Dangerous Dungeon’s Curse of Midges floor buff caused more damage than expected when combined with Snow White’s A1 ability Please note that some changes may have already gone live for all players before the update is released.
「Disney ミラー・ウォリアーズ」最新情報はこちら
サービス開始日 | 2022年6月23日 |
何年目? | 934日(2年6ヶ月) |
周年いつ? | 次回:2025年6月23日(3周年) |
アニバーサリーまで | あと162日 |
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 | 2025年12月23日(3.5周年)
あと345日 |