- 10月16日から11月1日まで、Cosmic Echo: Haunted Heartsイベントが開催されます。
- 物語は、SallyがJack Skellingtonからの招待状を受けてScare Floorでの夜を過ごすというものです。
- Oogie’s Onslaught Dungeonは10月17日から10月20日まで開催され、Scary Guardiansを使用することでボーナスポイントを獲得できます。
- Rival Underworldは10月25日から11月1日まで開催され、キャンペーン中にNightmare Fuelを集めることができます。
Cosmic Echo: Haunted Hearts

The Cosmic Echo: Haunted Hearts will run from October 16th 18:00 UTC to November 1st 18:00 UTC! Cosmic Echo Story: Night at the Scare Floor Sally has received a letter […]
News and EventsCosmic Echo: Haunted HeartsOct 16, 2023Author: Kabam PinwheelShare:Link Copied!The Cosmic Echo: Haunted Hearts will run from October 16th 18:00 UTC to November 1st 18:00 UTC! Cosmic Echo Story: Night at the Scare Floor Sally has received a letter from Jack Skellington inviting her for an evening at the Scare Floor. Without thinking twice, she makes her way there, eager to see her loved one. However once she arrives things seem a little too scary but not in a fun way. Will she find her beloved or be scared to the bone? Cosmic Boon: Oogie’s Onslaught Dungeon Running from October 17th 18:00 UTC – October 20th 18:00 UTC Make sure to delve into this Oogie Boogie dungeon and take on the challenge! Get bonus points for using Scary Guardians and don’t miss your chance to unlock Oogie Boogie the Dicey Heavy Hitter! Cosmic Boon: Rival Underworld Running from October 25th 18:00 UTC – November 1st 18:00 UTC Collect Nightmare Fuel during the Campaign to go trick or treating in the Rival Underworld Quest. Guardian strength will be matched with your enemies so the whole crew can attend! Every encounter will have guaranteed rewards, including Stellar Shards, Ore, Rare Pages of Experience and Golden Crystals as well as a chance at the special Trick or Treat Crystals. Cosmic Boon: Soul Seamstress Gather Stitched Hearts by playing the Campaign Quest and trade them in at Soul Seamstress for Crystals, Profile items, resources and more! Cosmic Boon: Haunted Hearts and Halloween Objectives During the Haunted Hearts Campaign, upgrading and using Sally will get you some lovely rewards! Also some very villainous themed Halloween Objectives will be available when Rival Underworld opens too! Take advantage while you can! Cosmic Boon: Haunted Hearts Calendar Each day for the next 14 days, you’ll be able to collect a reward upon logging into the game! Please keep in mind, It is possible to miss a reward given out on a certain day so make sure you login every day to make the most out of your Haunted Hearts Calendar!
「Disney ミラー・ウォリアーズ」最新情報はこちら
サービス開始日 | 2022年6月23日 |
何年目? | 926日(2年6ヶ月) |
周年いつ? | 次回:2025年6月23日(3周年) |
アニバーサリーまで | あと170日 |
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 | 2025年12月23日(3.5周年)
あと353日 |