おはようございます。23/1/19(木曜日)「FINAL FANTASY XIV」の最新動画をお知らせします。
Spiele auf deine Art! Schließe dich mit Freunden zusammen oder spiele allein mit verbündeten NPCs! Am Lagerfeuer wirst du immer Gesellschaft haben. https://freetrial.finalfantasyxiv.com/de
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As a busy and lazy ff player this app is a godsend. I’m able to check eorzea time from here, lay in bed and organize my inventory, and it stacks up duplicate items for me!! Best part honestly! I can just leave dupe items laying in inventory and get on the app to organize my items and put them in my retainers for me. I get to check and buy/sell my items on the market board with prices and discard or sell to npcs if I need to whether I’m on the train our traveling. Premium comes with portraits, a right saddlebag and a retainer, pretty good for me :) lots of people may have some complaints about it but i definitely appreciate this app so much. (★5)(24/7/3)