24/3/28(木曜日)「Hero Wars – Fantasy World」の最新動画をお知らせします。
The “Spring Festival” special event has started in Hero Wars! Don’t miss out on all the fun🐇
🌞Complete Quests, get Shining Coins and upgrade Solaris in the Light Shop! Also y…
24/3/28(木曜日)「Hero Wars – Fantasy World」の最新動画をお知らせします。
The “Spring Festival” special event has started in Hero Wars! Don’t miss out on all the fun🐇
🌞Complete Quests, get Shining Coins and upgrade Solaris in the Light Shop! Also y…
24/3/28(木曜日)「Hero Wars – Fantasy World」の最新動画をお知らせします。
Three Heroes will get new Masquerade Skins soon!🎀 But for now, we can only see these fragments. Can you guess which Heroes will get new looks?
Share your ideas in the comment…
24/3/27(水曜日)「Hero Wars – Fantasy World」の最新動画をお知らせします。
1. HW News of the Day
2. !skin
3. HWA Skin Tease!
4. FB/Web Skins!
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