• 2024年1月からBrawl Passがジェムでの購入ができなくなる。
  • 無料で進行することに変更はない。
  • 変更の目的はBrawl Passのクリアをより楽しくすること、進行方法の柔軟性を高めること、無料と有料プレイヤーの両方に報酬を提供すること、ゲームの成長を支援するためのモノタイズ改善、成長を目指す。
  • 今後はBrawl Passについての情報をより詳しく提供する予定。

Incoming Changes to the Brawl Pass

Incoming Changes to the Brawl PassYes, the Brawl Pass will no longer be available for Gems starting in January 2024 (!!!)No, free-to-play progression won’t be nerfed because of that (phew!)Our goals with these changes are:To make the Brawl Pass more fun to completeGive more flexibility on how you progress itMake the Brawl Pass more rewarding for both free-to-play and paying playersImprove the Brawl Pass monetization to help grow the gameThis post will have A LOT of information, so please take your time reading it! We also encourage you to share and discuss your questions and concerns on our social media channels – we’ll be reading your feedback, and if necessary, we can follow up with another post answering the most asked questions, but hopefully, this text should contain ⭐EVERYTHING ⭐We are communicating this in advance in case you were saving Gems for future Brawl passes and would still like to use them on the #RangerRanch Pass or the #BizarreCircus Pass.You’ll find a summary of all the Brawl Pass changes at the end of this text, but we strongly recommend you read everything because knowledge is power. So HERE WE GO:Season LengthOLD: 2-month long and starts on the first Monday of each monthNEW: 1-month(ish) long and will start on the first Thursday of each monthWe know that most players don’t complete the Brawl Pass (around 85% of the players don’t reach tier 70) – and the ones who do finish it don’t feel rewarded enough for that.We can also see that a lot of players stop playing after they collect the Brawl Pass Brawler and only return to the game after the season ends (or sometimes they don’t ever return 🪦)A 2-month Pass is too long! The 1-month long Pass allows each season to feel fresh and new. Seeing that players are really engaged in the first month of the pass should make a lot more players complete the new Pass and, therefore, get more rewards than they would normally get with the 2-month version. Also, the change in the starting date of the Pass is so that we can have seasons start right after updates and also closer to weekends (so the first weekend after an update feels cooler!)Quests and Brawl Pass TokensOLD: Most of the Brawl Pass progress comes from Daily QuestsNEW: Most of the Brawl Pass progress will come from Seasonal Quests that can be completed at any given point during the seasonIf you play daily and complete your Daily Quests, you will complete the Brawl Pass and get more rewards. But that should not be the main way to complete it. We know that a lot of players can only play on specific days and times or only during the weekends, so we will increase the number of Seasonal quests. This should give you much more freedom on how (and when) you want to complete the Brawl Pass without affecting those who play on a daily basis.Two other changes to Quests: we are removing the Hard Quest and replacing it with more Medium Quests (which will now grant you 500 Tokens instead of 250), so the progress should feel smoother and less grindy. We are also adding Seasonal Quests daily instead of only Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is easier to understand and gives you more freedom if you prefer to have shorter play sessions.To adjust for these changes, we are also increasing the number of Tokens needed to unlock each tier and each tail reward. This shouldn’t make you progress slower or faster – the pace should remain the same as it is now, but with this change, you will have more options to decide on how you want to complete the Pass.Progression Rewards in the free Brawl Pass track for a free-to-play player(Note that in the data below, we are considering a player who saves all their Gems to get a free Brawl Pass every other season – so 3 passes per year)OLD – Rewards for 1 year: 90,525 Coins, 28,500 Power Points, 540 Gems, 8,880 Credits, 4,500 Chroma Credits NEW – Rewards for 1 year: 96,000 Coins, 30,000 Power Points, 600 Gems, 12,000 Credits, 0 Chroma Credits We are also adding to the NEW Brawl Pass (for 1 year): 348 Starr Drops and 12 guaranteed Legendary Starr Drops. More info below!You might be wondering, “Er… where are all my Chroma Credits?! Is this a Chroma nerf?!”No, because Chroma Credits will be removed (more info below!), and we will be converting it to Credits. You’ll still be missing some credits though, but we are adding a Legendary Starr Drop in the free track at the end of every monthly pass. This should make up for it! “But what about my tail rewards?” On top of the progression buffs to the free track, we are adding 348 Starr Drops in a year of completing the Brawl Passes (29 per monthly Brawl Pass). The tail rewards will also be replaced with Starr Drops (and they will require more tokens to unlock).“But there’s gotta be a nerf somewhere, right?” Yes, if you are a free-to-play player who gets the Brawl Pass for free every other season, you’ll be earning less Bling, but of course, value-wise, you’ll be earning more cosmetics through Starr Drops. The Power League (after its rework) should still be the main place for Bling, but it’s something we will rework early next year only. In summary, free-to-play players will see a small buff to their progression and will be able to use their Gems for other things like cosmetics, progression, offers, etc. These changes should democratize the rewards, meaning that casual players will be getting a lot more stuff than they would normally get.The goal of these changes is to improve the Brawl Pass on all fronts. Currently, if you are a free-to-play player, the optimal way to progress your account is by using Gems to get the Brawl Pass every other season. We don’t want to take this source of progression away from free-to-play players, so the new Brawl Pass will include all these rewards in the free track.Brawl Pass Pricing, Value & RewardsOLD: 169 Gems or 9,99$ for the Brawl Pass with 10 tiers completed (if buy it from the Supercell Store)NEW: It won’t be available for Gems anymore. The price is 6,99$ for the monthly Brawl Pass or 9,99$ for the new Brawl Pass Plus (which includes 25% Pass completion)Currently, the Brawl Pass gives you around 13x the value for the investment you put in. By changing it to IAP (In-App Transaction) only, we can increase this value by A LOT more. Now, the new Brawl Pass will give you nearly 20x the value, and the Brawl Pass Plus will give you 25x more, plus some unique cosmetics.You’ll note that if the 2-month long Brawl Pass costs 9,99$, A 1-month Brawl Pass should cost around 4,99$. However, the progression you’ll get monthly in the Paid Brawl Pass will be WAY better. Here are the rewards you’ll be getting in the paid Brawl Pass compared to the current one:OLD – $9.99 – Rewards for 2 months: 5,695 Coins, 2,400 Power Points, 720 Credits, 4,350 Bling, 0 GemsNEW – $6.99 – Rewards for 1 month: 12,000 Coins, 3,000 Power Points, 1000 Credits, 1700 Bling, 100 Gems Also in the NEW Brawl Pass: Epic Skin, Collector Pins, Collector Spray, Collector Icon, more Tokens, and the ability to unlock any Brawler you want (up to Epic) OR to claim 1000 Credits insteadBrawlers won’t be part of the Brawl Pass anymore. Instead, you can instantly unlock any Brawler you would like to obtain up to Epic rarity, or alternatively, you can claim 1,000 extra Credits that will go into the Starr Road and help you with unlocking your next Brawler.Either way, here’s the content for the Brawl Pass Plus:Everything you get in the paid Brawl Pass Plus 6,000 Coins, 1,500 Power Points, 2000 BlingExclusive Color Variations of the Brawl Pass Skin, a unique title, and more!Changes to Chroma Credits and Chromatic BrawlersOLD: Chromatic Brawlers can only be obtained with Gems, Chroma Credits, or in the Brawl PassNEW: The Chromatic Rarity will be removed together with Chroma Credits. Chromatic Brawlers will move to Starr Road, where they can now be obtained with Gems or CreditsEvery Chromatic Brawler will receive a different rarity (if you want to get some of them for Chroma Credits, NOW is the time!) Here are the new rarities for each of them:Epic – Pearl, Mandy, Maisie, Sam, Lola, Ash, Belle, Gale and ColetteMythic – Lou, Ruffs, Buzz, Fang, Janet, Otis, R-T, Charlie, Eve and BusterLegendary – Cordelius and SurgeIf you don’t use your Chroma Credits, then they will be converted to Credits (each Chroma Credit worth 1.85 Credits) when the Brawl Pass changes Update arrives.This change also means that each Chromatic Brawler’s Mastery Track will be changed to align with their new rarity, so… if you want those current rewards, you have two months to collect them!We feel that with the ability to pick any Brawler (up to Epic) or 1000 Credits per Brawl Pass, the Chromatic Rarity and the Chroma Credits lost their purpose. Also, having one single place to collect Brawlers is a lot simpler for everyone. Hopefully, we’ll be able to give more value and versatility to players with every Brawl Pass. IMPORTANT NOTE:The numbers above should be final (or very close to final), and the core concept of the changes should remain the same. However, the Brawl Pass price might change based on the local currency.More stuff and future plans!We are still planning to release 10-12 Brawlers every yearEven though the new Brawl Pass Seasons will be monthly, we’ll still release our updates every 2 monthsSince Chromatic Rarity will no longer exist, Brawlers will be released with different rarities (Rare, Super Rare, Epic, Mythic, and Legendary), and if they are not part of the pass, they will be able to be collected on their release dates with CreditsWe’ll most likely have early accesses for Brawlers outside the Brawl Pass, seeing how successful Chuck’s release wasWe’ll have bigger events similar to the #ShootingStarrDrops campaign, which should compensate for the missing Club RewardsPower League rework will be our next target, and apart from being the source of Bling, we’ll still add more flex cosmetics “I don’t wanna read all of this. What’s new?”Brawl Pass Season changes to 1-month longBrawl Pass no longer available for GemsBrawl Pass costs 6.99$, and Brawl Pass Plus costs 9.99$Free-to-Play players who buy 3 passes a year should get their progression buffed!Bling got nerfed in the Free TrackBut Gems got mildly buffedThe Brawl Pass value is now buffed from 13x Value to 20x Value (or 25x Value with Brawl Pass Plus)Chromatic Brawlers and Chromatic Coins is going to be removed Chromatic Brawlers were distributed among the existing rarities in-gameTheir Mastery Track will also change because of thatA lot of Starr Drops in the Brawl Pass (including a guaranteed Legendary per month)Tail Rewards will also change to Starr DropsThese changes will come into effect starting in January 2024Thanks for reading!And that’s all! Thank you for reading it through or watching a content creator video about it! And please share your thoughts about the changes!



「ブロスタ」最新情報はこちら ブロスタの動画をもっと見る
サービス開始日 2018年12月12日
何年目? 2215日(6年)
周年いつ? 次回:2025年12月12日(7周年)
アニバーサリーまで あと342日
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 2025年6月12日(6.5周年)
運営 Supercell

白熱の3対3、そしてサバイバルマルチプレイを楽しめるモバイルゲーム!3分間で展開する様々なゲームモード… 友達と共闘するもよし、一人で戦うもよし。 強力な必殺技や特殊能力を持ったキャラクターを入手して、アップグレードしましょう。ユニークなスキンを集めれば、戦場でひときわ目立つこと間違いなし!ブロスタワールドの不思議なステージで、バトルを繰り広げましょう! 様々なゲームモードで戦おう - エメラルドハント(3対3):チームの仲間と共に敵チームに勝利!エメラルドを10個集めたら最後まで守り抜きましょう。倒されるとエメラルドも失います。 - バトルロイヤル(ソロ/デュオ):生き残りをかけたサバイバルモード。キャラクターのパワーアップを集めましょう。デュオまたはソロモードを選んだら、大混乱の戦場で最後まで生き延びた者が勝者となります。そして勝者がすべてを独り占めします! - ブロストライカー(3対3):ひと味違うゲームモードです!サッカーの腕試しといきましょう。先に2ゴールを決めたチームが勝利します。なおレッドカードはありませんので、激しいバトルにご注意ください。 - 賞金稼ぎ(3対3):敵を倒して星を獲得!自分の星も守り抜きましょう。より多くの星を集めたチームの勝利です。 - 強奪(3対3):チームの金庫を守りながら、敵チームの金庫の破壊を目指します。ひっそりと前進したら、豪快にお宝までの道を切り拓きましょう! - 特別イベント:期間限定の特別な対人および対CPUゲームモードです。 - チャンピオンシップチャレンジブロスタのゲーム内予選に参加して、eスポーツの世界に飛び込みましょう! キャラクターのアンロックとアップグレード 強力な必殺技や特殊能力を持ったキャラクターを集めて、アップグレードしましょう。キャラクターを強化して、ユニークなスキンを集めましょう。 ブロスタパス クエストやブロスタボックス、エメラルド、ピンズ、そしてブロスタパス限定スキンなど、特典が盛りだくさん!シーズンごとに特典は変わります。 MVPプレイヤーになろう ローカルのランキングを駆け上がり、あなたの強さを証明しましょう! どんな時も進化しよう 新たなキャラクターやスキン、マップ、特別イベント、ゲームモードを探し求めましょう。 注意:ブロスタは無料でダウンロードおよびプレイが可能ですが、一部のゲーム内アイテムをご購入いただくことも可能です。ゲーム内アイテムを購入したくない場合、お使いのデバイスの設定からApp内購入を無効にしてください。また、サービス利用規約およびプライバシーポリシーに基づき、ブロスタのダウンロードおよびご利用は9歳以上の方のみとさせていただきます。 特徴: - 3対3のリアルタイム対戦で世界中のプレイヤーとバトル - 白熱のモバイル向けサバイバルマルチプレイ - 独自の攻撃や必殺技を持った、強力な新キャラクターをアンロック - 日々入れ替わるイベントとゲームモード - バトルは一人でも、フレンドと一緒でもプレイ可能 - グローバルまたはローカルのランキングを駆け上がろう - 仲間とクラブを結成したり参加したりして、情報交換しながら共に戦おう - スキンをアンロックしてキャラクターをカスタマイズ - プレイヤーが作った攻略の難しい新マップ クラッシュ・オブ・クラン、クラッシュ・ロワイヤル、ブーム・ビーチの制作会社がお届けするバトルゲーム! サポート: サポートが必要な際は、ゲーム内の設定の「ヘルプとサポート」からご連絡いただくか、http://supercell.helpshift.com/a/brawl-stars/をご覧ください。 プライバシーポリシー: http://supercell.com/en/privacy-policy/jp/ サービス利用規約: http://supercell.com/en/terms-of-service/jp/ 保護者の皆さまへ: http://supercell.com/en/parents/jp/ ???: https://www.youtube.com/wkbrl
最高😃 (★5)(24/12/29)
神 (★5)(24/12/28)
初心者でも楽しく遊べます。つけてほしい機能は、目の一人称などです (★4)(24/12/28)
ゲームとしては楽しいけど、通常モードで、シルバーなのにエリートやレジェンドのプレイヤーと当たるのでそこを、同じランクの人と当たるようにして欲しいです。 (★4)(24/12/28)
本当に素晴らしいゲームです🎮🎮 (★5)(24/12/28)
とにかくおもしろい (★5)(24/12/28)

One thought on “「2024年1月からのブロスタの変更:ジェムでのブロウルパス購入が終了」”

  1. I appreciate the transparency and advance communication from the Brawl Stars team regarding the upcoming changes to the Brawl Pass. It’s great to see that free-to-play progression won’t be negatively affected, and the goals of making the Brawl Pass more enjoyable, flexible, and rewarding for all players are commendable. I’m curious to see how the improved monetization will contribute to the game’s growth. Overall, I’m looking forward to these changes and the potential they bring to enhance the Brawl Stars experience.


