• TikTok Hypercharge Challengeの公式ガイドラインとルールが発表された。
  • チャレンジは無料で参加できるが、Supercellが主催し、TikTokや他のソーシャルメディアプラットフォームとは関係ない。
  • 13歳以上で、Brawl Starsがダウンロード可能な国に居住している人なら誰でも参加できる。

TikTok Hypercharge Challenge!

TikTok Hypercharge Challenge!It’s the HYPERCHARGE CHALLENGE!Brawl Stars HYPERCHARGE CHALLENGE – Official Guidelines and Rules The Brawl Stars HYPERCHARGE CHALLENGE (the “Challenge”) is subject to these Official Guidelines and Rules (“Guidelines and Rules”), which are binding on matters relating to the Challenge unless specifically stated otherwise. Entering the Challenge is free, and no purchases are necessary to enter or to win. The Challenge is organized by Supercell Oy (the “Supercell”). The Challenge is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by TikTok or any other social media platform. Who Can Enter?Except as otherwise specified in this section, the Challenge is open worldwide to anyone aged 13 years or older residing in a country where Brawl Stars is available for download and play through Supercell’s official channels (“Entrant”). If an Entrant is under 18 years of age or the age of majority as defined in such Entrant’s country of residence (a “Minor”), such Entrant must have permission from a parent or legal guardian to participate in the Challenge. How to Enter?The Challenge only accepts submissions posted TikTok. Eligible Entrants (as defined below) can enter the Challenge by creating a video showing what Hypercharges the Entrants during their time in or outside of the game (“Submission”) and posting it on TikTok using the hashtags #brawlstars and #hypercharge. The Submission must be tagged with both tags and made publicly visible and searchable before the end of the Challenge Period (as defined below).In case you do not have a TikTok account, establishing an account is free. All TikTok terms (as applicable) apply. Your TikTok account must be set to “public” for your Submission to be seen by Supercell, but you can return your accounts to “private” any time after the end of the Challenge Period.When is the Challenge Period?The Challenge period begins on September 2, 2023 at 00:00 AM Easten European Summer Time (“EEST”) and ends on September 15, 2023 at 11:59 PM EEST (the “Challenge Period”). Submissions must be received during the Challenge Period to be eligible to win. By participating, each Entrant (and, if an eligible Minor, such Entrant’s parent or legal guardian) agrees to be bound by these Guidelines and Rules and the decisions of the judges and/or Supercell. How Are the Winners Chosen and What Are the Prizes?At the end of the Challenge Period, Supercell will pick ten (10) Submissions, at its sole discretion, and the winners will receive all Hypercharge Collector’s Bundles available in Brawl Stars at the time of the Challenge (each a “Hypercharge Prize”). In addition, the Entrant with the Submission with the most total views on TikTok will receive a Hypercharge Prize and a trip to Brawl Stars World Finals 2023 in Sweden for the Entrant and a guest (the “Special Prize”). The trip will include flights, hotel accommodation (single room), and event tickets for the Entrant and a guest. If the Entrant with the most total views is a Minor, such Entrant’s parent or legal guardian must be the other attendee. Upon formal notification from Supercell, the winners shall have seventy-two (72) hours from the date such notice was sent to respond and provide any information or materials requested by Supercell.For the avoidance of doubt, neither the Hypercharge Prize nor the Special Prize can be exchanged for substitute prizes or cash. In the event a winner cannot be reached or cannot or will not accept or receive the prize for any reason, Supercell reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to select an alternate winner from the remaining Submissions.What Can and Cannot Be In the Submissions? Submissions must include original content only, created by the person who submits the entry. Entrants may not copy or otherwise plagiarize Submissions from any source, no may Submissions include third-party copyrighted material or artwork without the copyright holder’s permission. By entering, each Entrant (and, if an eligible Minor, such Entrant’s parent or legal guardian) warrants that such Entrant’s Submission does not infringe any third party’s rights, and that such Entrant has obtained any such necessary rights.The Supercell shall have the authority to disqualify a Submission if they believe, at its sole discretion, that it potentially infringes on copyright or might do so in the future.Submissions should not contain personal attacks directed at anyone.Submissions may not depict nudity, animal cruelty, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pornography, weapons, betting or gambling, or anycompanies, products, or services related to the above, or any other offensive or obscene subject matter as determined in Supercell’ssole discretion. Submissions must adhere to Supercell’s Fan Content Policy.Supercell reserves the right to exclude any Submission that it believes, in its sole discretion, doesn’t meet these guidelines or otherwiseviolates these Guidelines and Rules, and to delete or otherwise remove any such Submission from any and all location(s) under Supercell’s control.How Will the Submissions be Shared and Used? The information Entrants provide will be used only in accordance with Supercell’s privacy policy, which can be found at https://supercell.com/en/privacy-policy/.As a condition of entry, Entrant hereby grants to Supercell a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable, sublicensable, and royalty free license to use, modify, reproduce, prepare derivative works of, distribute, perform, and display the Submission in any and all media throughout the world and for whatever purpose Supercell deems. The Entrants shall not be specifically compensated for their Submissions or for granting Supercell any of these rights. While Supercell will seek to post the Submission in the form as provided at the time of entry, the Entrants understand that Submissions may be altered from their original forms and that Supercell reserves the right to modify the Submissions in its sole discretions.For publicity purposes, Supercell has the right to use the name and/or account ID of Entrants prior to, during, or after the Challenge in any media without compensation or prior review. At any time before, during or after the Challenge Period, Supercell may choose to post or distribute one or more Submissions, the creator’s name and profile information online (including but not limited to Instagram and TikTok pages, YouTube channels, and third-party websites) for promotional and entertainment purposes only.Sharing these Submissions on the platform does not imply that these Submissions are winning Submissions. Entrants (and, if applicable, their parents or legal guardians for eligible Minors) should be aware that users of these sites can share, comment on, and re-post Entrants' Submissions. Supercell will try to fulfill Entrants' requests to remove a Submission from consideration as much as reasonably possible. However, the Supercell is not responsible for third parties re-posting Submissions.What Are Some Other Conditions for Entering the Challenge? By participating, Entrants agree to be bound by these Guidelines and Rules and the decisions of Supercell. Entrants may not enter with multiple identities. Any portion of the Challenge may be canceled, suspended, and/or modified, fully or partially, if the Supercell’s sees that any circumstances beyond the Supercell’s control hinders the proper functioning of the Challenge.The Supercell can disqualify anyone if they discover that the individual is trying to manipulate the entry process or the Challenge’ s operation, breaking these Guidelines and Rules, behaving in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or trying to disrupt the fair operation of the Challenge, or if they are bothering, abusing, threatening, or harassing others.Any attempt to deliberately damage or undermine the legitimate operation of the Challenge may be in violation of criminal and civil laws and will result in disqualification from participation in the Challenge. Should such an attempt be made, Supercell reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent of the law.How Are Disputes Resolved? Disputes regarding these Official Rules and/or this Challenge will be governed by the laws of Finland. Decisions of Supercell are binding and final. No claimant in any dispute involving Supercell shall be entitled to claim or obtain indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential damages.Each winner agrees to release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless Supercell, TikTok, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives, and agents from and against any claims and costs resulting, directly or indirectly, participation in any Campaign- related activity or participation in this Campaign.In the event Supercell is prevented from continuing with the Challenge by any event beyond its control, including, but not limited to, any fire, power failure, labor dispute, war, civil dispute, or government action (including any new law or regulation) or inaction then Supercell shall have the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Challenge. If any part of these Guidelines and Rules is found to be invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. If a rule is considered invalid or unenforceable, these Guidelines and Rules shall otherwise remain in effect. Supercell’s failure to enforce a particular term shall not constitute a waiver of that term.



「ブロスタ」最新情報はこちら ブロスタの動画をもっと見る
無料ランキング急上昇 注目度が高くなっています。ゲームを開始するチャンスです。
話題性もあり新規またはアクティブユーザーが多い。リセマラのチャンスの可能性も高くサービス開始直後や 期間などのゲームも多い。
サービス開始日 2018年12月12日
何年目? 2216日(6年)
周年いつ? 次回:2025年12月12日(7周年)
アニバーサリーまで あと341日
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 2025年6月12日(6.5周年)
運営 Supercell

白熱の3対3、そしてサバイバルマルチプレイを楽しめるモバイルゲーム!3分間で展開する様々なゲームモード… 友達と共闘するもよし、一人で戦うもよし。 強力な必殺技や特殊能力を持ったキャラクターを入手して、アップグレードしましょう。ユニークなスキンを集めれば、戦場でひときわ目立つこと間違いなし!ブロスタワールドの不思議なステージで、バトルを繰り広げましょう! 様々なゲームモードで戦おう - エメラルドハント(3対3):チームの仲間と共に敵チームに勝利!エメラルドを10個集めたら最後まで守り抜きましょう。倒されるとエメラルドも失います。 - バトルロイヤル(ソロ/デュオ):生き残りをかけたサバイバルモード。キャラクターのパワーアップを集めましょう。デュオまたはソロモードを選んだら、大混乱の戦場で最後まで生き延びた者が勝者となります。そして勝者がすべてを独り占めします! - ブロストライカー(3対3):ひと味違うゲームモードです!サッカーの腕試しといきましょう。先に2ゴールを決めたチームが勝利します。なおレッドカードはありませんので、激しいバトルにご注意ください。 - 賞金稼ぎ(3対3):敵を倒して星を獲得!自分の星も守り抜きましょう。より多くの星を集めたチームの勝利です。 - 強奪(3対3):チームの金庫を守りながら、敵チームの金庫の破壊を目指します。ひっそりと前進したら、豪快にお宝までの道を切り拓きましょう! - 特別イベント:期間限定の特別な対人および対CPUゲームモードです。 - チャンピオンシップチャレンジブロスタのゲーム内予選に参加して、eスポーツの世界に飛び込みましょう! キャラクターのアンロックとアップグレード 強力な必殺技や特殊能力を持ったキャラクターを集めて、アップグレードしましょう。キャラクターを強化して、ユニークなスキンを集めましょう。 ブロスタパス クエストやブロスタボックス、エメラルド、ピンズ、そしてブロスタパス限定スキンなど、特典が盛りだくさん!シーズンごとに特典は変わります。 MVPプレイヤーになろう ローカルのランキングを駆け上がり、あなたの強さを証明しましょう! どんな時も進化しよう 新たなキャラクターやスキン、マップ、特別イベント、ゲームモードを探し求めましょう。 注意:ブロスタは無料でダウンロードおよびプレイが可能ですが、一部のゲーム内アイテムをご購入いただくことも可能です。ゲーム内アイテムを購入したくない場合、お使いのデバイスの設定からApp内購入を無効にしてください。また、サービス利用規約およびプライバシーポリシーに基づき、ブロスタのダウンロードおよびご利用は9歳以上の方のみとさせていただきます。 特徴: - 3対3のリアルタイム対戦で世界中のプレイヤーとバトル - 白熱のモバイル向けサバイバルマルチプレイ - 独自の攻撃や必殺技を持った、強力な新キャラクターをアンロック - 日々入れ替わるイベントとゲームモード - バトルは一人でも、フレンドと一緒でもプレイ可能 - グローバルまたはローカルのランキングを駆け上がろう - 仲間とクラブを結成したり参加したりして、情報交換しながら共に戦おう - スキンをアンロックしてキャラクターをカスタマイズ - プレイヤーが作った攻略の難しい新マップ クラッシュ・オブ・クラン、クラッシュ・ロワイヤル、ブーム・ビーチの制作会社がお届けするバトルゲーム! サポート: サポートが必要な際は、ゲーム内の設定の「ヘルプとサポート」からご連絡いただくか、http://supercell.helpshift.com/a/brawl-stars/をご覧ください。 プライバシーポリシー: http://supercell.com/en/privacy-policy/jp/ サービス利用規約: http://supercell.com/en/terms-of-service/jp/ 保護者の皆さまへ: http://supercell.com/en/parents/jp/ ???: https://www.youtube.com/wkbrl
最高😃 (★5)(24/12/29)
神 (★5)(24/12/28)
初心者でも楽しく遊べます。つけてほしい機能は、目の一人称などです (★4)(24/12/28)
ゲームとしては楽しいけど、通常モードで、シルバーなのにエリートやレジェンドのプレイヤーと当たるのでそこを、同じランクの人と当たるようにして欲しいです。 (★4)(24/12/28)
本当に素晴らしいゲームです🎮🎮 (★5)(24/12/28)
とにかくおもしろい (★5)(24/12/28)

One thought on “「ブロスタ」が新モード「ハイパーチャージチャレンジ」を発表!”

  1. タイトルが明確で、読者に対して直接的な情報を伝えています。文章はフランクであり、敬語を使用していないため、読みやすくて好感が持てます。また、冒頭の導入部分がないため、すぐに本題に入ることができます。内容は具体的で分かりやすく、読者にとって有益な情報を提供していると感じました。全体的に、


