23/7/23(日曜日)「ONE PIECE(ワンピース)」の最新動画をお知らせします。 This year‘s ONE PIECE DAY will be an online & in-person hybrid event! 【DAY2(7.22)】 The "Special Stage" will feature an amazing cast of guests as well as a major announcement! There will also be tons of various activities and content that can only be experienced at the event! All the program on the main stage at the ONE PIECE DAY'23 venue will be Livestream. 【Program】 Scheduled to start at 5:40 p.m. on 7/21 (Fri)(PDT) 5:40p.m.~ Opening 6:10p.m.~ ONE PIECE DAY Special Voice Over 6:30p.m.~ Land of Wano Behind the Scenes Special! 7:15p.m.~ News Corner ①- Find the latest ONE PIECE info here! 9:30p.m.~ Bounty Rush ONE PIECE DAY '23 Special Stage 11:00p.m.~ ONE PIECE Card Game Information Bureau - ONE PIECE DAY '23 Special Stage - 12:45a.m.~ News Corner ②- Find the latest ONE PIECE info here! 1:00a.m.~ ONE PIECE DAY ’23 SPECIAL LIVE 1:30a.m.~ Closing Times may vary depending on circumstances. 【Cast】 Mayumi Tanaka/Kazuya Nakai/Akemi Okamura/Kappei Yamaguchi/Hiroaki Hirata Megumi Han/Hiro Shimono Tana P/Kosuke Hiraiwa/Hiromi Tanifuji Ryo Shinomoto (Next Play)/Gavin, Kitaba (Macaroni Station) Shimofuri Myojo’s (Seiya, Soshina) Maki Otsuki 【Navigator】 Ryusei Ikuta ■ONE PIECE DAY official website リンク ■7/21 ONE PIECE DAY’23 DAY1【in English】 リンク ■7/22 ONE PIECE DAY’23 DAY2 リンク ■ONE PIECE ONE PIECE.com リンク ONE PIECE staff official Twitter リンク ONE PIECE staff official Instagram リンク ■「ONE PIECE FILM RED」 official website リンク ©Eiichiro Oda/SHUEISHA ©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, Toei Animation ©Eiichiro Oda/2022 "One Piece" production committee




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