• 8月24日、ドイツのケルンで開催されたゲーム展示会Gamescomにて、Assassin’s Creed Codename Jadeの公式な名称とトレーラーが発表されました。
  • Assassin’s Creed Codename Jadeは、Tencentの子会社であるLevel Infiniteが開発したゲームで、正式な商品名はAssassin’s Creed Jadeです。
  • トレーラーでは、シリーズでおなじみのパルクールや登攀、乗馬などのゲームプレイ要素が魅力的に映し出されています。
  • さらに、激しい戦闘や暗殺の場面も登場し、ポールアームや弓など様々な武器が使用されています。
  • Gamescomでは、興奮したファンに向けて魅力的なゲームロゴと共に、ゲームプレイの一部も紹介されました。

Assassin’s Creed Codename Jade Unveils Official Name and Trailer at Gamescom

Assassin’s Creed Codename Jade Unveils Official Name and Trailer at GamescomOn August 24th, Gamescom, Europe’s largest gaming exhibition, took place in Cologne, Germany. During the Level Infinite brand conference, a subsidiary of Tencent, the highly anticipated game Assassin’s Creed Codename Jade made its debut and officially announced its product name as Assassin’s Creed Jade. Additionally, an exciting gameplay trailer accompanied by a captivating new game logo was revealed to eager fans.       More Gameplay Footage Shown in the Trailer    The trailer provides a captivating glimpse into the world of Assassin’s Creed, showcasing a range of classic gameplay elements from the series. Players are treated to thrilling parkour, climbing, and riding content, along with intense combat and assassination scenarios featuring a variety of weapons like polearms and bows.     Moreover, as Gamescom commenced, attendees had the unique opportunity to play a demo of the game, immersing themselves in the captivating stories of Chinese assassins.     More Game Features RevealedPrepare to embark on an extraordinary adventure through ancient China’s Qin Dynasty in Assassin’s Creed Jade, an expansive open-world game. At this exhibition, exciting updates were unveiled, including the introduction of GaaS content and multiplayer features.     The introduction of the content marks a significant shift in the game, transforming it from a one-time individual experience into an ongoing adventure. With regular updates, new stories and additional areas for exploration will be introduced. Meanwhile, team up with your friends,explore the Qin Dynasty alongside friends, collaborate on tasks, and vanquish formidable foes together.    Rest assured, as more captivating content is revealed, Assassin’s Creed Jade promises an even more immersive gaming experience. The developer is committed to distinguishing this installment from its predecessors by continuously improving and delivering unique and enjoyable content for players to savor.  2nd Closed Beta will be coming soon The first closed beta test of Assassin’s Creed Jade saw enthusiastic participation from numerous players and media personnel. They lauded the game’s stunning graphics and the faithful restoration of the IP’s classic elements while also providing valuable suggestions to enhance the gameplay. With the official name now unveiled, the operator has exciting news to share – the highly anticipated second closed beta test is just around the corner.     The operator also extends a heartfelt thank you to fans for their unwavering patience and support for Assassin’s Creed Jade. Players who are eager to stay updated with the latest developments or secure qualification for the upcoming second closed beta can keep a close eye on the game’s official website for further information.  




One thought on “「アサシンクリードジェイド」、Gamescomで正式名称とトレーラーが発表される”

  1. Assassin’s Creed Codename Jadeの公式名称とトレーラーがGamescomで発表されたとのことですね。Assassin’s Creedシリーズの新作ということで、ファンにとっては非常に待ち望まれていたニュースです。トレーラーでは、シリーズお馴染みのアクション要素や戦闘シーンが見られて、非常に興奮しました。新しいゲームロゴも魅力的で、ますます期待が高まります。早くプレイしたいです!

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