• 「Roaming Through the Realm of Saurians」イベントのフィードバックを投稿して報酬を獲得しよう。
  • イベントの新バージョンが開催されており、参加者のサポートに感謝。
  • サウリアンを育てるゲームプレイを楽しんでいるか、今後のアップデートで見たい新機能は何かを投稿。
  • イベント全体の体験についての意見を投稿。
  • アンケート回答期限:2029/10/10 15:59

Hilichurl Chatroom! Post your feedback on the "Roaming Through the Realm of Saurians" event to earn rewards!

Hilichurl Chatroom! Post your feedback on the “Roaming Through the Realm of Saurians” event to earn rewards! Diligent Hilichurls 29m ago Follow Olah! Hello, Traveler~The second version of the “Roaming Through the Realm of Saurians” event is now live. Thank you all for your support and participation!Do you enjoy the Saurian-raising gameplay that we planned this time? What new features would you like to see in future updates?What do you think of the overall experience of the event? Deadline: 2029/10/10 15:59 Poll Single Choice Very good It’s okay There’s room for improvement Submit Do you like the Saurian-raising gameplay? Deadline: 2029/10/10 15:59 Poll Single Choice I like it a lot Neutral I dislike it Submit What gameplay elements of the “Roaming Through the Realm of Saurians” event are you most interested in? (Multiple choice) Deadline: 2029/10/10 15:59 Poll Multiple Choice Tribe Personality Test Raising Saurian Hatchlings Interacting With the Tribe Saurians Individual Reputation Rankings Prize Draw Prize Redemption Submit What new features would you like to see in the future? (Multiple choice) Deadline: 2029/10/10 15:59 Poll Multiple Choice Feed Outfits Chatroom Limited-Time Tribe Missions More Ways to Join the Tribe More Team Missions Other (Please share in the comments) Submit What do you think of the competitiveness between tribes? Deadline: 2029/10/10 15:59 Poll Single Choice Very strong Just right Not very obvious Submit Are you satisfied with the current mission settings? Deadline: 2029/10/10 15:59 Poll Single Choice Very satisfied It’s okay There’s room for improvement Submit Did the event story pique your interest? Deadline: 2029/10/10 15:59 Poll Single Choice Very interesting It’s okay It’s boring Submit What aspects of this event did you find unsatisfactory or dislike? Feel free to share your thoughts! I look forward to hearing everyone’s feedback!How to ParticipateTake part in the poll or share your feedback and suggestions about the “Roaming Through the Realm of Saurians” event in the comments section to be considered a successful participant.Event DurationOctober 12 – November 15, 23:59:59 (UTC+8)Rewards will be issued after November 18.Event RewardsLeave a comment for a guaranteed “Hilichurl Comment Decoration Set ×1 (Permanent)” (3 designs in total)NotesThe following situations will be considered invalid participation:a. The content posted violates Community Rules, or plagiarized, or misappropriated content from other authors.b. Publishing content unrelated to the theme of the event, content that contains any form of advertising, and that which seeks to spread malicious rumors or discredit the game and its characters. Genshin Impact • Discussions & Sharing Repost allowed Roaming Through the Realm of Saurians A Wondrous Natlan Odyssey 80 1




One thought on “「原神」新イベント「魔神の逆襲」開催決定!キャラクター別ストーリーも追加される!”

  1. Hilichurl Chatroom!「Roaming Through the Realm of Saurians」イベントに関するフィードバックを投稿して報酬を獲得しよう! Diligent Hilichurls 29m ago Follow Olah! こんにちは、冒険者〜「Roaming Through the Realm of Saurians」イベントの第2バージョンが開催されています。皆さんのサポートと参加に感謝します!今回のSaurian育成ゲームプレイは楽しんでいますか?将来のアップデートで見てみたい新機能は何ですか?イベント全体の体験はどうでしたか?締め切り:2029/10/10 15:59 アンケート 単一選択 非常に良い まあまあ 改善の余地あり 提出 Saurian育成ゲームプレイは好きですか? 締め切り:2029/10/10 15:59 アンケート 単一選択 大好き どちらでもない 嫌い 提出 「Roaming Through the Realm of Saurians」イベントのゲームプレイ要素で最も興味があるのは何ですか?(複数選択可) 締め切り:2029/10/10 15:59 アンケート 複数選択


