• RobloxがMarketplaceでの作成を誰でも簡単にすることを始める
  • Marketplaceはクリエイターやブランドが観客とつながる強力な場所
  • Marketplaceをより個人的で自己表現を促進するものに拡大している
  • 安全性を確保し、クリエイターやブランドのIPを保護する新しいツールとシステムを開発中
  • Robloxは毎日71.5百万人*が訪れ、コミュニティー作成のプラットフォームを構築中
  • Robloxのグローバルコミュニティによってほぼすべてが作成されている
  • クリエイターがユーザーが楽しむ体験、アバター、衣類、アクセサリーを作成するのを支援

Making Creation and Expression Easier for Anyone In Marketplace

For the first time, Roblox is making it easier for anyone to create in Marketplace. Marketplace is a powerful place for creators and brands to connect with their audience. We’re expanding Marketplace to be more personal and to foster more self-expression. We’re developing new tools and systems to ensure that Marketplace is safe and that […]
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Making Creation and Expression Easier for Anyone In Marketplace April 15, 2024 by Enrico D’Angelo, Vice President of Economy All Product & Tech Community Creators For the first time, Roblox is making it easier for anyone to create in Marketplace. Marketplace is a powerful place for creators and brands to connect with their audience. We’re expanding Marketplace to be more personal and to foster more self-expression. We’re developing new tools and systems to ensure that Marketplace is safe and that creators’ and brands’ IP is protected.  At Roblox, we’re building an immersive platform for connection and communication where 71.5 million users* come every day to entertain themselves, hang out with friends, and have fun.  Nearly everything users discover on Roblox is made by our global community of creators. And our job is to help creators make the experiences, avatars, clothing, and accessories our users will enjoy. Since 2019 we’ve allowed, through application only, a small and growing number of people to create 3D virtual items in Marketplace, one of the key destinations on Roblox for users to shop and express themselves through their avatars.  Today, we’re making it easier for anyone to create in Marketplace. This will be a powerful step forward for creators and brands to market a diverse collection of avatars, clothing, and accessories, and to connect with their audience.   One of the biggest benefits of this is the surge of great new content that we expect will soon be available there. Millions of users already visit Marketplace every day, and in December, 2023, nearly 71 percent of them spent time editing their avatar. And people have bought billions of items there, including nearly 1.6 billion digital fashion items during the first nine months of 2023. Brands are also getting in on the action: in 2023, our brand partners sold about 27 million items on Roblox. adidas is bringing its iconic sport and lifestyle brand to Roblox A great example is adidas. The brand has collaborated with Roblox creators like Rush_X and CoffeeNerdz on a diverse catalog of hundreds of items, including rare, sold-out Limiteds like its Neckpiece. adidas is bringing its iconic sport and lifestyle product to Roblox and plans to experiment with a shopping experience where users can create their own adidas virtual items and outfits. In Marketplace, some creators have found success by diversifying the variety of things people can buy. A great example is Lirn, an original Marketplace creator, who wanted to fill a gap in gaming for authentic Black hairstyles. A self-taught creator, she’s collaborated with brands like Gucci, and created items like her HeadScarf, Bantu Knots, Pigtails Locs, Box Braids, and others. Roblox users have bought millions of her items.  By opening up creation on our platform, we’re now able to welcome more creators like Lirn. Moving forward, here are the three areas we’re focusing on to achieve this: Making creation easier for anyone Evolving Marketplace to foster more self-expression Laying the foundations of a healthy Marketplace  Making Creation Easier for Anyone Making it easier for anyone to create and sell 3D virtual items in Marketplace and/or in experiences is just the start. We’re also working to inspire professional creators to build successful businesses on our platform by developing new ways to make creation on Roblox easier, regardless of their experience level.  For example, our new Avatar Auto Setup tool leverages AI to quickly and automatically convert 3D models into avatars people can use on Roblox right away. Using this tool, which is launching broadly in the coming month, can reduce the time it takes to create an avatar from days to minutes. Our new Avatar Auto Setup tool quickly converts 3D models into avatars** And soon, we’ll offer templates allowing creators and brands to build customizable shopping experiences dedicated to the buying and selling of avatar items. For example, Dress to Impress is a space that celebrates diversity and inclusivity, and where users can dress up as themselves and then walk a runway or vote on others’ looks.  There’s a growing number of experiences like this, and we’ll begin by surfacing them in Marketplace, which will help connect the creators and brands who make them with the broader audience there. Evolving Marketplace to Foster More Self-Expression We want Marketplace to be a more inspiring, personalized, and social shopping experience than ever before. In the coming year, we’ll expand what’s available there beyond individual items and focus on developing an avatar-first shopping experience. This will create more personalized and diverse content and unlock social shopping. It will also provide new ways for creators and brands to share their collections and connect with their audience. Avatar-first shopping experience Buy entire outfits or mix-and-match before you buy.** Since its inception, Marketplace has been dedicated to selling individual avatar items. Now, the Marketplace shopping experience is evolving. Users will be able to find inspiration from styled avatars and outfits and buy an entire outfit’s items, or just some of it. Shopping in Marketplace will soon be similar to the physical world. When users look for a specific item, they’ll be able to see how everything they discover would look in their existing wardrobe or what they might wear it with.  That’s important because we know that when users shop in Marketplace, they want to complete their avatar’s look with multiple items. In fact, users buy more than one item 60% of the time. In addition, Roblox users can search for outfits. That means creators and brands can express their full creative vision by selling entire looks and avatars rather than just single items. And creators will be able to collaborate and sell outfits made of items by different people. More Personalized and Diverse Avatar Content We know that many people on Roblox want to express their individual personalities and identities. To do that, shopping needs to be personalized and it should be easy to move between discovery and avatar customization. That’s why we’re developing new tools that make all that possible.  For example, AI has become a crucial technology across our entire platform, powering things like creation and safety. Soon, it will provide individual shoppers with diverse and personalized items rather than showing everyone the same list. Someone might see collections or outfits from creators or brands that fit their style or outfits that are popular with their friends. They might also see trending shopping experiences, or seasonal collections (like for Halloween or Christmas). A More Social Marketplace Will Unlock Users’ Creativity Digital fashion is increasingly a source of inspiration, and we believe the next wave of fashion designers will emerge on our platform. We want to support their efforts, and we’re proud to see digital designs created on Roblox recreated in the physical world. For example, at RDC 2023, we showcased physical replicas of two Parsons School of Design students’ Roblox creations.  At RDC 2023, we showcased physical replicas of two Parsons School of Design students’ Roblox creations. Going forward, we’ll make it easier for users to discover and follow new creators and brands and always stay up to date on their latest offerings. In turn, creators and brands will have new ways to connect with their audience and showcase their creations. Many people see their avatars as intrinsically social — a way to connect with friends. We want to help them share their newest avatar outfits. Many users and creators are already doing that by posting screenshots or videos on external social or messaging platforms. WhoseTrade, who created 20 items which sold more than 100,000 times (and dozens more with at least 50,000 sales), is an exceptional example. He collaborated with the electronic music brand Monstercat on a rare Limited that sold for 1 million Robux, as well as with Nivea. Like others, he’s significantly grown his social channels by posting his creations. Soon, users will be able to share their latest avatar creations or newly-purchased items on Roblox. We think this will unlock more creativity for many users. It will also help them become curators and influencers while boosting creators’ exposure. Laying the Foundations of A Healthy Marketplace We’ve developed new methods to help creators and brands find success. Those include tools to defend their IP, maximize their earning potential, and simplify managing competitive pricing.  Protecting Creativity We recently launched Rights Manager, which helps creators, developers, and brands manage their content and IP on Roblox, and increases transparency around filing removal requests.  We’ve also introduced a publishing advance system that inspires creators to focus on their highest-potential creations rather than generic items that distract buyers.  At the same time, to ensure accountability and deter bad actors, creators wanting to build on Roblox must verify their identity through our ID verification process. This allows us to enforce our Marketplace policies and deter violators from returning to the platform. An Economy Responsive to Supply and Demand Our virtual economy should reflect market conditions, so we’re implementing a new system to ensure prices on Marketplace respond to supply and demand. Previously, some creators had a difficult time knowing how to price their items and when such prices should be increased or reduced in response to fluctuating market demands.  Guessing at how to price items does not benefit creators or buyers.   Our new system can help support smarter pricing to better reflect market conditions by automatically setting the lowest price in an item category based on demand. We also give creators controls that let them set rules for how much to charge for their items relative to these dynamic prices. We’re confident this will help make sure creators can earn a fair return while giving consumers more access to items at fair market prices. Diverse Ways of Expression We know that the Roblox ecosystem is richer and stronger when we enable varied and diverse ways for people to create and express themselves. We’re excited to build tools and systems that expand our creator community while giving people more opportunity to buy things they’ll love. ____________________________________________________________________________ * As of Q4 2023 ** Rendering shown for illustrative purposes only. Actual features and other visual depictions may vary and are subject to change at any time.         Recommended Our Vision for All AgesHow Roblox Avatar Tech Is EvolvingInside the Tech – Solving for Matchmaking on RobloxAccelerating innovation: How eight startup founders are continuing to innovate at Roblox



「ROBLOX」最新情報はこちら ROBLOXの動画をもっと見る
話題性もあり新規またはアクティブユーザーが多い。リセマラのチャンスの可能性も高くサービス開始直後や 期間などのゲームも多い。
サービス開始日 2012年12月11日
何年目? 4376日(11年11ヶ月)
周年いつ? 次回:2024年12月11日(12周年)
アニバーサリーまで あと7日
ハーフアニバーサリー予測 2025年6月11日(12.5周年)
運営 Roblox Corporation

Roblox(ロブロックス)は、無料でカンタンにダウンロードできる制作・交流型のバーチャル空間プラットフォームです。世界中のクリエーターが制作・投稿した膨大な数のバーチャル空間で友達と交流したりしながら楽しみましょう。 バーチャル空間が何百万本もラインナップ Robloxのバーチャル空間には、何百万通りの楽しみ方があります。例えば... ・話題の映画やテレビ番組の公式ワールドを探検 ・バーチャルコンサート鑑賞 ・一流ファッションブランドのアパレル試着 ・ホラー空間で肝試し ・eスポーツでみんなと試合したり、格闘ゲームや障害物アスレに挑戦 ・世界の都市で観光体験 ・アバターになったミュージシャンやタレントと交流 …など、盛りだくさんです。 みんなとつながれます ・パソコン、モバイル、Xbox One、VRヘッドセットなど、ほとんどの端末環境で動作。 ・友達と同じ端末を使っていなくても一緒に楽しめます。 ・テキストと音声チャット機能とプライベートメッセージ機能つき。 ・グループ機能で同じ趣味や推しの世界規模のコミュニティとつながれます。 ・アバターとして通話できる通信機能、Roblox Connect(ロブロックス・コネクト)搭載。 なりたい自分になれちゃいます ・アバターをカスタマイズして自分らしくコーディネート。 ・ブランドや企業のバーチャル空間内でバーチャル商品の購入もできます。 ・語学や教育に特化したバーチャル空間でスキルアップも。  ・プログラミングやデザインを学べるツールも満載。 ・アイテムやバーチャル空間を制作して、クリエーターデビューもできます。 オリジナルのバーチャル空間制作: https://www.roblox.com/develop サポート: https://help.roblox.com お問い合わせ: https://corp.roblox.com/contact/ プライバシーポリシー: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/ja/articles/115004630823 保護者ガイド: https://corp.roblox.com/parents/ 利用規約: https://www.roblox.com/info/terms ご注意: 参加するには、ネットワーク接続が必要です。Robloxは、Wi-Fiに接続した状態での使用が最適です。Roblox上の機能やコンテンツの一部は、お住まいの国や地域、お使いの言語ではご利用いただけない場合があります。
いい点 フレンドが200人までならなれる!そして色々なゲームがあるため飽きにくい。そしてみんなと仲良く遊べる 悪い点 悪い点は最近ロブロックスでチーターが増えていることや暴言キッズが多いです。そして通報してもなかなかバンされないためすごく嫌です。そのためチーターがいても楽しめるようなものが欲しいです (★5)(24/12/2)
It's ok, but maybe lower the price for robux? I think the things in the marketplace are also getting too expensive... (★3)(24/12/2)
簡単なものは達成感があるし、難しいものはやりがいがあるので全然あきません! おすすめゲームはYouTuberがやってたりしてて同じものを同じルールでプレーできます! 課金が多いのもあるけど、無課金勢でも楽しめる! しかもゲームもつくれる! 入れて損なし!楽しいよ((o(。>ω<。)o))💗 (★5)(24/12/2)
ロブロは神ゲーしか言えないけど改善した方がいいとこがあります。入るじゃないですかチーターうじゃうじゃいる。よし、抜けようって言う現象が起きます。しかもたまにハッカーがいるときがあります。そこと暴言キッズですねそこを改善出来れば完全な神ゲーと言えると思います。 (★5)(24/12/2)
タイトルと同じで、色々な遊びが出来て楽しいです! ぜひぜひ遊んでください!ホラーやアスレチック・ファンタジーなものが盛りだくさんです♪ 後悔はしないと思います! (★5)(24/12/2)
あの、ロブロックス公式さん、キットゲームとかそんな感じのゲームで日本人がいるサーバーを探す機能を追加してください。あと、チャットの年齢制限とかサーバーの年齢制限とピクミン作成中を直してください (★4)(24/12/2)

One thought on “RobloxがMarketplaceを拡張し、自己表現を促進する新しいツールとシステムを導入”

  1. RobloxがMarketplaceでの創造と表現を誰でも簡単にする取り組みを始めるというニュースは興味深いですね。クリエイターやブランドとユーザーがよりパーソナルにつながり、自己表現を促進するというのは素晴らしいアイデアだと感じます。Robloxが安全性や知的財産権の保護にも力を入れている点も評価できます。ユーザーが楽しめるコンテンツを作るためにクリエイターをサポートする取り組みは、プラットフォーム全体の魅力を高めることにつながるでしょう。


