• Robloxの機械学習エンジニアであるXiao Yuが、17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining(WSDM 2024)でTest of Time賞を受賞しました。
  • Test of Time賞は、10年前の研究論文が学問の傾向や方向を変えたことを認める賞であり、Xiao Yuと共著者はこの賞を受賞しました。
  • 受賞論文「Personalized Entity Recommendation: A Heterogeneous Information Network Approach」は、2014年にWSDMで発表されたもので、Xiao Yuはイリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校で研究者だった当時の作品です。
  • Xiao Yuは2022年にRobloxに入社し、自然言語処理、コンピュータビジョン、大規模言語モデル、生成AIなどの分野で活躍しています。
  • 最近では、リアルタイムAIチャット翻訳やリアルタイムバーチャルアバター生成などの取り組みにも関わっています。

Roblox ML Engineer Xiao Yu Receives Test of Time Award

We are pleased to congratulate Roblox machine learning engineer Xiao Yu and his co-authors on receiving the Test of Time award at the 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2024). The Test of Time Award is a mark of historical impact and recognition that the research has changed the trends […]
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Roblox ML Engineer Xiao Yu Receives Test of Time Award March 6, 2024 by Roblox Product & Tech We are pleased to congratulate Roblox machine learning engineer Xiao Yu and his co-authors on receiving the Test of Time award at the 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2024). The Test of Time Award is a mark of historical impact and recognition that the research has changed the trends and direction of the discipline. It recognizes a research publication from 10 years ago that has had a lasting influence. The winning paper, “Personalized Entity Recommendation: A Heterogeneous Information Network Approach” was first presented at WSDM 2014, while Yu was a researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Yu joined Roblox in 2022 and has worked on natural language, computer vision, large language models, and Generative AI, including our recent work on real-time AI chat translation and real-time voice moderation.  Yu says the award-winning paper “introduces the concept of meta-path-based latent features as the representations for users and items. This was before representation learning became state-of-the-art for recommender systems. Though it predates the widespread use of embeddings in heterogeneous networks and recommender systems, the observations and philosophy presented in this paper inspired many researchers to reexamine this problem and sparked a wave of innovative research in this domain.” The research published by Yu and colleagues has gained significant recognition over the past decade as recommendation engines have become increasingly ubiquitous. “By incorporating diverse relationship information, our method personalizes recommendations to a greater extent, leading to more accurate, relevant, and customized suggestions for users. This is crucial in today’s information overload scenario, where people are bombarded with irrelevant recommendations,” Yu says. “Prior to this paper, graph-based hybrid recommender systems often utilized a single type of relationship, like whether a user had purchased a certain item before. This was one of the first approaches to leverage the relationship heterogeneity within a network. By modeling various relationships, the proposed recommender system can capture a richer and more nuanced understanding of user preferences and item characteristics.” Learn about recent AI research at Roblox here. Recommended Our Vision for All AgesRoblox Return to Service 10/28-10/31 2021The Future of Communication in the MetaverseHow Roblox Avatar Tech Is Evolving



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あの、ロブロックス公式さん、キットゲームとかそんな感じのゲームで日本人がいるサーバーを探す機能を追加してください。あと、チャットの年齢制限とかサーバーの年齢制限とピクミン作成中を直してください (★4)(24/12/2)

One thought on “Roblox ML Engineer Xiao Yu Receives Test of Time Award”

  1. Robloxの機械学習エンジニアであるXiao YuがTest of Time賞を受賞したというニュース、とても素晴らしいですね。彼の研究が10年前に発表された論文として長く影響を与え続けているということは、彼の研究の質と重要性を示しています。Robloxでの取り組みも素晴らしい成果を上げているようで、Xiao Yuの貢献が評価されていることが嬉しいです。


